community Service means Business!
15 November 2004
Peabody High School College Fair
Peabody High School College Fair Photos
(click image to enlarge)
5 November 2004
rescue me...
thank the huricane season...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New U.S. jobs soared at the sharpest rate in seven months in October, the government reported on Friday, helped by a surge in construction activity as hurricane-battered areas in the Southeast were rebuilt.
The high-tech sector is booming under President Bush
The Labor Department just reported that the unemployment rate in the information-technology (IT) sector in the third quarter plummeted to just 3.4 percent — down from 6.2 percent in the first quarter. “Some 408,000 more Americans worked in IT this summer than . . . six months earlier,” says InformationWeek magazine. That’s a spectacular increase of 14 percent.
Today, 3.4 million Americans work in IT — precisely the same number as in the spring of 2000 when the tech bubble inflated to bursting. The difference between now and then is that jobs are rising in healthy fashion as demand for new computer and communications gear increases worldwide. We have finally worked the Clinton-era excesses out of the system, just as we have in the economy overall.
What’s remarkable about recent IT growth is that the work force is undergoing a dramatic realignment, with higher-paying jobs increasing at home. While fewer workers are employed in the United States today as computer programmers and analysts, many more are employed as managers and network and database administrators. That’s just the way trade is supposed to work in the model developed two centuries ago by Adam Smith and David Ricardo. Also last week, a new study for the Organization for International Investment by Matthew Slaughter, a highly regarded Dartmouth economist, found that “insourcing,” the hiring of Americans by U.S. subsidiaries of companies based abroad — many in the technology sector — has been rising. Such firms employed 5.4 million at last report, up from 2.6 million in 1987, and paid them 31 percent more than the U.S. average.
help is on the way...
The labor market definitely benefited from the recover from hurricane season. Construction saw 71,000 jobs created in October, while professional and business services payrolls rose by 97,000, with a large number of temporary jobs created.
Manufacturing jobs dropped by 5,000, while retailers created 21,000 jobs. Average hourly earnings rose 0.3% for the month, in line with expectations and up from a 0.1% rise in September.
The labor market over the last 12 months
Month Change*
October '04 337,000
April 346,000
September 139,000
March 353,000
August 128,000
February 83,000
July 85,000
January 159,000
June 96,000
December '03 8,000
May 208,000
November 83,000
Total jobs created: 2,025,000*Change in nonfarm payrolls. Source: Labor Department
The economy is fundamentally in good shape, Zandi said, but there could be bumps with higher interest rates in the future. “As the job market gains traction, I think we are going to see long-term interest rates push up and we're going to have to adjust to that,” Zandi said.
The housing market and vehicles sales will both struggle with higher rates, he said.The White House trumpeted the jobs growth as the results of the president’s policy.
"What we saw today was a continuation of what we've seen from the summer of 2003,” White House Economic Adviser Greg Mankiw told “Squawk Box.” “We've seen 14 months of job gains. The economy's heading in the right direction. The president passed his jobs growth bill in the summer of 2003 and the economy turned around then and we've seen a robust growth since then.”
heal thyself....
Kai Wright, AlterNet
Many progressive black voters entered this election in a
jubilant mood, with increased engagement and high turnout
in key states. But their effect was often countered by new
evangelical voters -- some of whom were African
Margo Baldwin, MobyLives
The publisher of George Lakoff's latest book describes her
battle with the New York Times and the power of independent
More MediaCulture:
Molly Ivins, AlterNet
Stop thinking about suicide or moving abroad. Want to feel
better? Figure out what you can do to help rescue the
More Molly Ivins:
4 November 2004
Posted by: Admin on Saturday, October 16, 2004 - 07:05 AM GMT
The media keep reporting the fake U.S. budget deficit numbers. For example, a July 31, 2004 Washington Post story states:
The White House forecast yesterday that the U.S. budget deficit for this year will be a highest-ever $445 billion
A Sep. 7, 2004 Washington Post story states:
Democratic presidential nominee John F. Kerry retorted, "Only George W. Bush could celebrate over a record budget deficit of $422 billion."
An Oct. 14, 2004 Reuters story states:
The U.S. budget deficit expanded to $412.6 billion in the 2004 fiscal year
However, those numbers are cooked by including the Social Security Trust Fund. As explained by a Nov. 13, 1996 U.S. Congress research paper:
On-Budget and Off-Budget Entities. Under the unified budget approach, first implemented for fiscal year 1969, trust funds and federal funds are merged together into a single budget presentation. Over the years, Congress and the President have enacted specific exceptions to this approach. Entities included in the unified budget are referred to as "on-budget" entities; those excluded from the unified budget are known as "off-budget" entities. At present, the Social Security trust funds and the postal service fund are the only off-budget entities. The consolidated budget totals presented in the budget include both on-budget and off-budget transactions.
A Sep., 2004 Congressional Budget Office publication conveniently provides budget numbers for both the "off-budget" and the "on-budget", as estimated by both the CBO and the OMB. The CBO pegs the real 2004 ("on-budget") deficit at $574 billion, and the OMB pegs it at $599 billion. The CBO estimates a surplus of $153 billion for the "off-budget" (i.e. mostly baby boomers paying into the Social Security Trust Fund for the own impending retirement) to arrive at a "unified" deficit of $422 billion, the mythical number quoted by the media and even the supposed opponent to the current administration.
(SEE: to the right in the same chart, the rightmost column sums up the budgets for the five years from 2005 to 2009. A trillion dollars of Social Security Trust Fund money is earmarked to reduce the five-year deficit from $2 trillion to $1 trillion.
If the past year is any indication, this trillion dollars will never be reported in the mass media.
As highlighted by, according to an Oct. 21, 2004 Toronto Globe & Mail newspaper article (free cache):
China's Communist rulers have a blunt message for anyone who frets about the planned Chinese takeover of Canada's biggest mining company: Get ready for more to come.
In an exclusive interview with The Globe and Mail in Beijing this week, Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing made it plain that the controversial $7-billion takeover of Noranda Inc. is just a small element in a much more ambitious strategy of investment in Canada's resources sector to feed China's voracious appetite for raw materials.
"Given our rapid economic growth, we're facing an acute shortage of natural resources," the Foreign Minister told The Globe.
"No matter how plentiful our natural resources, when you divide them by our population of 1.3 billion, the figure will be very small," he said.
"The Chinese government is encouraging Chinese enterprises to make investments in Canada, particularly in the field of resources exploitation."
It is the first public comment on the Noranda issue by a senior Chinese leader since the controversy over the planned takeover erupted last month.
Towns Hand Out Tax Breaks [and cash], Then Cry Foul as Jobs Leave
Posted by: Admin on Saturday, October 30, 2004 - 06:05 PM GMT
As highlighted by, according to an Oct. 20, 2004 New York Times article of the same title (free cache at the link):
Galesburg, Illinois, People in this big-shouldered town, birthplace of the poet Carl Sandburg, say Maytag broke their hearts. After a decade of tax breaks and union concessions to keep the company in a place that has been making refrigerators for more than 50 years, Maytag closed its factory last month, terminating 1,600 jobs.
Maytag may be done with Galesburg, but Galesburg is not done with Maytag.
District Attorney Paul L. Mangieri wants to sue Maytag to recoup what he says were excess tax breaks in a broad package of incentives to keep the company here. Much of the money, he said, came from a purse that would have gone to schools in this economically fragile community.
"We gave Maytag these incentives, and they accepted them," said Mr. Mangieri, a Navy veteran who grew up in a small town not far from here in western Illinois. "We did it based on faith and trust. If we don't do anything now, it sends a message that we lack the resolve to treat the rich and privileged the same as everybody else."
Maytag says it honored its agreement and took just the breaks to which it was entitled.
There are echoes of Mr. Mangieri's argument in Putnam County, Fla., which gave $4.5 million in cash and tax breaks to attract a call center owned by Sykes Enterprises, only to have it pull up stakes this month after less than five years in Palatka.
"We ought to sue them," said Timothy Keyser, a Putnam County lawyer who opposed the tax breaks from the start. "They sold the county a bill of goods."
[...] In New York, State Comptroller Alan G. Hevesi said in an audit this year that a program that gives millions of dollars in tax breaks to businesses that promise to create work ended up rewarding some businesses that lost jobs. Other state officials disputed those findings.
3 cheers heard round the world....
Published: November 4, 2004
ANGALORE, India, Nov. 3 - India's outsourcing companies were jubilant Wednesday that the elections in the United States will return President Bush to office.
"This is great news for the offshoring industry," said Nandan M. Nilekani, chief executive of Infosys Technologies, a software services company. The trend toward outsourcing will now become even more inexorable, Mr. Nilekani said.
Offshore outsourcing, or the moving of work from the United States to low-cost centers like India, was an issue in the presidential election. The Democratic candidate, Senator John Kerry, blamed Mr. Bush and outsourcing for the loss of thousands of American jobs.
Mr. Bush, in contrast, was largely silent on the issue. But members of his team, among them N. Gregory Mankiw, the chief economic adviser, and Treasury Secretary John W. Snow, have both defended outsourcing as another form of free trade.
Mr. Kerry referred to ''Benedict Arnold companies and C.E.O.'s'' that sent jobs overseas. He promised that as president he would end tax deferrals for companies that send work abroad.
The tone of some campaign comments criticizing outsourcing was noted with some concern in India. The Times of India, the country's leading newspaper, called outsourcing the "swear word" of the 2004 elections. Thousands of workers in India's technology centers like Bangalore and Hyderabad closely followed the campaign. India's outsourcing industry employs over 800,000.
in the news
U.S. election tallies projected a growing lead for Bush, including the key swing states of Ohio and Florida, helping to reverse a slide in prices this week on speculation that a win by Democrat Senator John Kerry could usher in lower prices.
U.S. light crude surged as high as $51.20 a barrel, putting a floor under a week-long 12 percent rout. At 2:24 a.m. EST, U.S crude was up $1.27 at $50.89.
"A Bush administration continued in its present form would have a Department of Energy that is extremely fossil fuel-centric and, because of the focus on fossil fuels, we would expect prices to rise," said economist Jason Schenker at Wachovia Securities.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fewer Americans filed jobless claims last week and worker productivity slowed sharply in the third quarter, government data showed on Thursday, hinting at better conditions in the country's sluggish labor market.
Financial markets took the data in stride, with both the dollar and benchmark U.S. 10-year Treasury bonds hovering following the release, awaiting the more important October employment report due out on Friday.
First-time claims for state unemployment benefits shrank to 332,000 in the week ended Oct. 30 from 351,000 the previous week, the Labor Department said, though an official noted that part of the decline had been due to fewer hurricane-related claims in Florida.
Analysts polled by Reuters had forecast claims to fall more moderately, to 340,000.
"I think the latest decline by jobless claims supports the possibility of an improving labor market that will probably take the form of the addition of nearly 200,000 jobs to payrolls for the month of October," said John Lonski, chief economist at Moody's Investors Service.
A second report showed third quarter productivity growth slowing sharply to a 1.9 percent pace, faster than forecast but still half the previous month's 3.9 percent tally, while unit labor costs advanced at a moderate 1.6 percent rate.
Weaker productivity may be good news for the labor market if it means that firms are running out of ways to squeeze existing workers into producing more and would now boost hiring.
LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - MTV and the nonprofit group Rock the Vote, partners in a massive public awareness campaign to encourage young Americans to participate in today's presidential election, have come under fire from Republicans accusing them of pushing a pro-Democratic agenda and challenging MTV and Rock the Vote's assertions that their get-out-the-vote campaigns are nonpartisan.
The charges stem mainly from a Rock the Vote campaign focused on the issue of a military draft. To get its point across, Rock the Vote sent out 660,000 e-mails in late September with a mock draft card signed by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.
"You are hereby ordered for induction into the Armed Forces of the United States, and to report to a polling place near you," read the draft cards.
In addition, Rock the Vote created two public service announcements focused on the issue of the draft and a third celebrity-packed public service announcement (PSA) that referred to the draft as one of many issues young voters might be concerned about. At least one of the draft-themed PSAs ran on MTV for 10 consecutive days in September. Rock the Vote also has devoted a significant amount of content to the issue on its Web site.
red sky in morning....
by Kerry Jacoby
This piece originally appeared on
As the President accepts his historic victory, and we bask in the warmth of our great conservative win, we have a Republican president, a more Republican House, and a legitimately Republican Senate.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, it’s time.
It’s time to get some new judges and Justices. It’s time for Scalia to ascend as Rehnquist steps aside, and for George W. to get someone confirmed who will interpret the law, not make it. Then, Justice O’Connor can be released from her duties, something she’s reportedly wanted for quite some time now, and another strict constructionist can take her place.
It’s time for the Congress and the Courts to LISTEN to the voice of the people -- the people who, in eleven states tonight, sent a very clear message. Marriage, they said, is the union of one man and one woman. They said so by incredible margins -- in the 60 and 70 percent ranges. They said so decisively, and whether or not they voted for George W. Bush. They proved this is not a “wedge” issue. It is a matter of deep concern to the people of America. And it is not for the Court to decide otherwise.
It’s time for the President to get out his veto pen -- or, better yet, for the Congress to exercise good Republican judgment and cut both taxes AND spending. If Congress won’t produce a balanced budget, the president no longer has to worry about his political viability. Far from a lame duck, he is now a man without political strings. He need not run for re-election. He need not worry about his political future. He can use his veto power, without worrying about his long-term political capital.
It’s time for Fallujah to become an ashtray, and for the United Nations to understand where its future interests lie. The political will to move hard against the Evildoers has been awaiting the moment when taking that risk will not lose the president his job. It’s time to finish what those head-slicing animals started when they decided Iraq was not going quietly into the bright sunlight of democracy.
It’s time to get some commonsense legal reform. If there’s anything the American people have had enough of, it’s lawyers and lawsuits. What does it tell you when we can only muster a kind of bemused annoyance when we find that there are Americans among the many lawyers offering themselves up to defend Saddam Hussein in his trial? Of course, we think. That’s what they always do.
Good doctors in America are being run out of business by skyrocketing malpractice insurance bills caused by ridiculous monetary awards teased out of juries by slimy shysters like (former) Senator John Edwards. The president has promised to do something about it, and I believe he will. Because it’s time.
And, after four years of petulance, it’s time for the Democrats to stop pretending the Republicans can only win by cheating and that we didn’t win at all. It’s time for them to get over it and get back to the business of helping us run this great country. We can agree, and we can agree to disagree -- but we must stop disagreeing just to be disagreeable and tearing down our nation just to prove our side right. And it’s time for those same Democrats to tell the cryptocelebrity policy advisors to just go away and leave politics alone.
The politics of hysteria and conspiracy have failed. Patience, calm, and wisdom have prevailed.
Now let’s all get to work doing what Americans do -- fixing what’s wrong and doing what’s right.
November 03, 2004
208 weeks and counting
by Farai Chideya
Ten Simple Ways to Transform American Politics
(This piece is aimed more at people who are already involved in organizing than folks who consider themselves bystanders to the political game. But in reality, we’re all involved; none of us are bystanders; it’s all a matter of perspective. So get in the game!)
1. Stop licking your wounds and figure out what happened in election 2004.
Why didn’t the Democratic Party take the White House? Candidate not charismatic/compelling enough? No innovative messaging on issues of values, morality, and spirituality? Too much air war/not enough ground war? (I.e., too much of an emphasis on running ads, not enough on grassroots get out the vote?) Over-reliance on proxy organizations like 527s doing work the party should have done? Messaging failed to deal with the divide between social liberals and conservatives? Messaging didn’t give economically at-risk Americans any sense the Democrats would do more for them than Republicans? Celebrity messaging didn’t have any traction? And what about alternatives to the Democratic party? Are local third parties winning races for school boards, city council, etc.? Once elected, are they doing good work? Finally, what motivated some long-time non-voters to go to the polls, and why did others stay home?
2. Come up with success metrics and vision plans for groups that tried to affect registration, mobilization, and education.
What is “success” for a youth voter-mobilization group? For an alternative media outlet? For a big 527? For a local community group? Whatever groups you belong to, do an analysis of your tactics and goals; what worked and what didn’t; and what your long-range goals are.
3. Grade yourself.
How’d you do in election 2004? What could you have done better or differently? What did you knock out of the park?
4. Share the knowledge.
Identify at least three organizations that could benefit from your self-analysis, and start a dialogue with them. Find out how you can work together.
5. Join Forces.
Hold, for example, a monthly meeting among like-minded groups to share strategy; put together co-sponsored events; and collaborate on media and messaging.
6. Reward the groups that did the hard, good work. .
Funders need to increase support for groups doing innovative work, which means they need to identify them. Collaboratives of groups working together have a better chance of being identified than ones working alone. Re-granting programs—where a big donor gives money to a nonprofit that makes micro-grants—can work well for fledgling groups.
7. Build shared infrastructures.
Could you share web/email/online fundraising technology? (One good platform is How about an events calendar? Shared office space and administrative help?
8. Realize it’s a marathon, not a sprint.
The political right spent 30 years building their infrastructure. Change takes time and commitment.
9. Have fun.
Folks are burnt out on politics. Find ways of making it optimistic, fun, fresh, and cutting-edge. Check out the Nonsense New York list for a great model of a distributing info on events that are wicked fun and often political too. (
10. Breathe.
This is just the beginning.
November 03, 2004
P. Diddy Exhausted After 'Running Wild' On Election Day
11.02.2004 10:23 PM EST
P. Diddy says he got off on the wrong foot when it came to his political endeavors in 2004. If he could do things over again, he wouldn't have yelled for folks to get George W. Bush's "ass out of office."
"I was a little reckless with my comments, to be honest," Diddy said on Tuesday (November 2). "I realized I relinquished my power too early after I educated myself. I shouldn't have said that until I felt that there was somebody that could be better for my people. ... I learned a lot in this process. I learned that my power could be used better. Instead of attacking Bush, it would be better to light a flame under young Americans and let them make the decisions."
A more informed Diddy has been sticking to a bipartisan approach in telling people to register and get out to the polls. The objective of his Citizen Change organization has been simple: They want to educate, motivate and empower, and in the process they've made the phrase "Vote or Die" a household slogan.
3 November 2004
from the desk of Dannai Harriel
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 12:13 PM
Subject: Proposed Cuts to Port Authority
Attached is the petition form endorsed by the Allegheny County Transit Council to distribute for signatures relating to a dedicated and predictable funding source for public transit in the Commonwealth. Please feel free to copy this petition and begin to get signatures so that we may submit them to the legislature and the Governor. You don’t need to print the whole document just print a couple of pages of the petition and repeat as needed.
Please return to: John L Tague, Jr. C/o of ACTC, 3rd Floor, 345 Sixth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-2527
Please return by 11/09
Port Authority of Allegheny County has proposed cuts to bus, rail, incline, and ACCESS services.
Make your voice heard NOW!
Attend and Register to testify at the Public Hearing to be held by Port Authority on Thursday November 4, 2004 at the Sheraton Station Square. Call 412-566-5103 to register to speak at the hearing.
Write or call your representatives in the State House of Representatives, State Senators and Governor Rendell and insist that adequate funding for public transportation be provided immediately!
If you need help finding the address or phone number of your elected officials you can call the League of Women Voters at 412-261-4284.
Only the PA House and Senate and Governor Rendell can enact legislation that would provide a sufficient level of funding to block these cuts!
The following has been proposed:
¨ No bus, rail, Mon Incline, or ACCESS service after 9PM on weekdays
¨ No bus, rail or ACCESS service AT ALL on weekends or holidays
¨ Elimination of 70 Port Authority routes
Please take action! Thousands of people rely on public transportation! These cuts would be devastating!
24 October 2004
highlights from Rethinking Schools
magazine on our website:
With public education under attack as never before, the voice of Rethinking
Schools is needed more than ever.
Highlights of the new issue include:
* "Sweatshop Accounting" by Larry Steele -- A high school teacher shares lessons
on economic justice with his business-education students.
* "Measuring Water with Justice" by Bob Peterson -- A multidisciplinary lesson
helps elementary students explore the economics, science, and politics that
impact this vital resource.
* "Making History" -- The complete text of John Kerry's historic 1971 testimony
to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, along with discussion questions and
teaching ideas for high school social studies classes.
* Editorial: "A Nation at Risk" -- Private-sector shills are trying their best
to dismantle public education, and our students are being sent off to die in
Iraq. What's at stake this November is not just the future of public education:
We are defending the very concept of a public sector that serves the common
* "No Child Left Behind: The Test" by Stan Karp -- Since today's education
policymakers seem to love this format, Rethinking Schools presents a
multiple-choice test on NCLB. Unlike most tests of this type, this one Unlike
most multiple choice tests, this one actually has some educational value. It's a
great tool for raising NCLB issues with students.
* "Standardizing Imperialism" by Christine Sleeter -- A look at how California's
standards discourage students from looking critically at U.S. foreign policy and
implicitly teach imperialism.
* "The NCLB Zone" by Wayne Au -- Au takes a trip to a strange world -- this one,
unfortunately -- where labeling some teachers as "highly qualified" can lead to
lower-quality teaching.
* "Voucher Supporters Attack Kerry" by Barbara Miner -- Why are pro-voucher
organizations running anti-Kerry ads in African-American communities in swing
11 October 2004
YouthLINKS at Carrick High School
8 October 2004
from the desk of Scott Albert
Just wanted to drop a line and let everyone know that the November Computer Learning Schedule is completed and we are now taking registration.
I have attached the schedule to this email. Basically, it looks like this:
Mondays: Computer Basics from 3-5pm - No Cost!
Tuesdays: Internet Explorer from 1-3pm - $30
Tuesdays: Intermediate Excel from 3-5pm - $50
Wednesdays: Intro to Word from 1-3pm - $50
Wednesdays: Intro to PowerPoint from 3-5pm - $50
Tue and Wed Evenings: Intro to Excel from 5:30 to 7:30pm - $50
As always, job seekers pay half price for any workshop.
from the Monster
by Chris Lytle Monster Contributing Writer
Life is one big seminar. It is not always necessary to go to formal training sessions to learn how to sell. There are many accidental seminars put on by people you encounter every day. In this one, I learned a valuable lesson about asking questions and controlling a meeting's focus. (more...)
from AlterNet
Danny Schechter,
In an age of scandal and crisis, the media outlets themselves have become a target for popular outrage.
The Myth of America's 'Lawsuit Crisis'
Stephanie Mencimer, Washington Monthly
How the media helps the insurance industry and the GOP with wildly exaggerated tales of Americans' overarching sense of legal entitlement.
The Enigma of Return
Amitava Kumar, The Nation
In "Maximum City," Suketu Mehta discovers the Bombay of his past through the people who make up its present; he also gleans signs of what might be our global collective future.
Yes, You Can
A BuzzFlash Interview
The Yes Men get within the system to mess with the system. An Interview with Mike Bonanno, one half of the daring duo.
San Diego Dreamin'
Tracking the trolley
The San Diego Trolley's only underground stop isn't yet ready for passengers, or even trolleys. Even so, transit officials assembled the news media 60 feet beneath San Diego StateUniversity for a sneak preview yesterday, showing off thestation they all expect will become the pride of the line about eight months from now.
Cedar fire called intentional
Republican challenges Rep. Filner
Devaney carries insider baggage in city attorney fight
Simple steps can guard against flu
Being Here, Now
Living in the moment:
It is the basis of a whole philosophical movement. Almost every spiritual practice embraces it. It is both simplistic and complex in concept; living in the moment is about just being. Being fully present in every situation, body, mind, and soul, so that you experience everything you do totally and absolutely.
In those moments when you engage yourself completely, nothing in the future exists - and nothing in the past is holding you back. (more..)
7 October 2004
School Daze....
A freeze on $3.28 billion in requests for aid under the federal E-rate program has left hundreds of school districts scrambling to pay for their technology needs--and, in some cases, crippled classroom instruction.
Schools Abroad Brace Against Terrorism
The horrifying hostage standoff at a school in southern Russia last month underscored the vulnerability of schools around the world, where the scope of security varies greatly, school leaders and private consultants say.
Translation Efforts a Growing Priority for Urban Schools
The New York City school system is setting up, for the first time, a centralized office to routinely translate school information into eight different languages.
Vouchers Linked to Graduation in Milwaukee
Students using state-financed vouchers to attend private schools in Milwaukee graduate from high school at a far higher rate than young people in the city's public schools, according to a study released last week by a group that supportsthe high-profile choice program.
Project Explores Community Groups' Roles in Reform
While a growing number of community organizations are working to improve urban schools, those grassroots efforts usually receive scant attention from policy wonks.
Nations at Top of the World Share Schooling Tactics
In all those regions ringing the North Pole, the harsh climate, the effects of hundreds of years of life under colonization, and the encroaching influences of Western culture have combined to pose special educational challenges for the indigenous groups that make their homes there.
Paige: It's Not Too Early to Call School Law a Success
Secretary of Education Rod Paige is declaring the No Child Left Behind Act a success, arguing that there is ample evidence the law is improving student achievement. But linking test scores directly to federal policy is a risky business, and some say the Bush administration is getting way ahead of itself.
Rural Schools in Need of Guidance, GAO Says
The Department of Education should do more to assist small, rural school districts as they struggle to meet the requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act, a federal report released last week says.
The Woman Behind the Scenes
Increasingly, school boards nationwide are turning to headhunters to unearth superintendent candidates to solve every problem, from the achievement gap to labor-management woes.
Veteran Teachers: The Linchpin of School Reform
Building the capacity of veteran teachers deserves much more attention than it has gotten, says Denise Glyn Borders.
The Rise of the 'Parentariat'
Parents are emerging as the newest and perhaps most pivitol players in education, writes Irving H. Buchen.
take me out to the Food Court...take me out to the mall...
Field Trips to the Mall?
A growing number of public and private schools are taking their students on"retail" field trips to outlets such as Petco, Sports Authority, Winn-Dixie, andthe carmaker Saturn, EDUCATION WEEK reports.
In a time of tightened budgets,these retail field trips have proved popular, but have also been criticized asblatantly promotional. Is there a role for school field trips to retail stores? What do such fieldtrips teach?
What kinds of field trips are most valuable for students?
Tell us what you think:
as Time goes by....
The wisdom of our elders may be the best life-tool available to us
By Susan Enfield and Linda Formichelli
Spiritual Eldering™ and Age-ing to Sage-ing™
is rooted in modern psychology and traditional religious/spiritual sources. The work is trans-denominational - for people of all faiths and beliefs - uniting elders in service to themselves, the community and the planet.
Ageing To Sageing
Annettes Legacy
Growing From Older
Investing In Your Spiritual
Lessons From Grandma
Musing On Retirement
Successful Ageing
snoop jobby-job
Shannon J. Gregg, CPPGregg Services, Inc.412-702-9000 x218 /
Internal Position, 412-702-9000x218, 412-702-9011 fax,
Greensburg, 724-853-7710, 724-853-7720 fax, Denise Morgan,
Cranberry, 724-776-0400, 724-776-4477 fax, Joanne Rieger,
Canonsburg, 724-873-0990, 724-873-0993 fax,Cindy Smith,
Downtown Pittsburgh, 412-642-7422, 412-208-9011 fax, Mary Lou Wetzel,
412-702-9000 x208, 412-702-9011fax,
The Best parent is Both parents!
The Fathers Collaborative Law Clinic
adds a unique legal component to the Fathers Collaborative programming and services...
Mr. Jeff Jackson wants us to be aware that legal education and support legal services are essential to assist non-custodial fathers and custodial mothers make informed decisions to positively impact the lives of their children....
- Legal services include:
- Legal education
- Legal services
- Consultation
- Access/Visitation
- Mediation
- Child Custody
- Child Support
Contact Mr. Jackson: 412-670-9218 and for more info on the Legal Clinic program and the Fathers Collaborative initiative
6 October 2004
over the "Hump" with Thomas Merton Center
Thomas Merton Dinner Committee meeting
Thomas Merton Center, 5125 Penn Ave. (Garifield)
10/7/2004 4:00 PM
"Conceptual Expressions: Contemporary Arabic Calligraphy Exhibit" opening reception
Carnegie Mellon University Art Gallery
10/7/2004 7:30 PM
"Divestment from South Africa to Israel" a talk by Dennis Brutus
Engineering Auditorium on Thackery St. next to Benedum Hall (U of Pitt, Oakland)
10/8/2004 12:00 AM
Veterans bus trip to Washington, DC
10/8/2004 12:00 PM
Friday Film Series "Kandahar"
2201 Wesley W. Posvar Hall, U of Pittsburgh (Oakland)
10/8/2004 6:00 PM
(Sub)Urban Art Exhibit Opening
Urban Space: A Bridgespotters Gallery, 709 Penn Ave. (downtown)
10/8/2004 8:00 PM
Mass Rally for Health Care!
Centre City Towers (downtown)
10/9/2004 11:00 AM
"Who's Looking Out for Big Mama?" a workshop and discussion on caring for African American elders
East Liberty Presbyterian Church, 116 South Highland Ave.
10/9/2004 12:00 PM
Regent Square Peace Vigil
corner of Forbes and Braddock
10/9/2004 12:00 PM
Alternative to Warfare Vigil
Unitarian Church, North Ave and Resaca (Northside)
10/9/2004 1:00 PM
Black Voices for Peace Anti-War Protest
Corner of Penn and Highland in East Liberty
10/9/2004 1:00 PM
Beaver County Peace Links Weekly Saturday Peace Vigil
Beaver County Courthouse, 3rd Street (Beaver)
10/9/2004 8:00 PM
Marriage Equality bus tour coming to Pittsburgh
William Pitt Union, Fifth and Bigelow (Oakland)
10/10/2004 7:00 PM
Middle East Peace Forum Summit
Friends Meeting House, 4863 Ellsworth (Oakland)
Thomas Merton Center
5125 Penn Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15224
412-361-3022412-361-0540 (fax)
Serving the peace and justice community since 1972
5 October 2004
go phish...
September 29, 2004, 12:22 PM PT
The online cons known as "phishing" have cost U.S. consumers $500 million, according to a study released Wednesday.
In addition, the study found that three-quarters of wired Americans have noticed an increase in phishing incidents during the past few months, with one-third saying they've receiving e-mails sent under fraudulent pretenses at least once a week.
The study, sponsored by Truste, a nonprofit privacy group, and NACHA, an electronic payments association, surveyed 1,335 Internet users across the United States.
Phishing scams use e-mails that appears to come from trusted companies to lure people to bogus Web sites, where they're asked to divulge sensitive personal information, such as
credit card data. Attacks frequently target bank customers, but recent scams have sought out users of Gmail and
wednesday calendar from Thomas Merton Center
10/6/2004 12:00 AM
screening of "Pretty Village, Pretty Flame" (October 6-7)
Melwood Screening Room, 477 Melwood Avenue (North Oakland)
10/6/2004 10:30 AM
Abolition 2000 fights nuclear weapon proliferation
Friends Meeting, 4836 Ellsworth Ave., Oakland
10/6/2004 12:00 PM
"Gender Stereotypes in Yaoi Comics" women's studies brown bag lunch
2201 Wesley W. Posvar Hall, U of Pittsburgh (Oakland)
10/6/2004 4:30 PM
Michael Moore Speaking at CMU
outdoors on the Hamerschlag Mall, Carnegie Mellon University, 4400 Forbes Ave. (Oakland)
10/6/2004 6:30 PM
Save Our Transit Meeting
United Cerebral Palsy Building, Centre & Neville (Oakland)
san diego dreamin'
During the March primary, San Diego County introduced voters toa $31 million state-of-the-art electronic voting system withtouch screens.* VA makes unusual outreach effort
Charity cars: from good hands to bad ones
odds at end...
With more and more people having to work until they are 65, 75, or even 85, here's how to get on the fast track to an early retirement. Tips you can't afford to miss are in the Money & Investing Forum.
Matt Taibbi, AlterNet
It is a sad commentary on the state of campaign coveragethat droves of reporters emerged on Friday with the exactsame judgment, delivered with the exact same boxing metaphor.
Save Our Transit Goes to Harrisburg on October 5 –
There’re Still Seats Left!
Shortly before their summer recess, a bipartisan group of Pennsylvania lawmakers introduced legislation that will provide a dedicated and reliable funding streamThe cost will be around $15 round trip but nobody will be excluded for lack of funds. Call 412-361-3022 for more information and to get on the bus.
for public transit operations all across the state. Both urban and rural public transit will benefit when these bills pass. If Senate Bill 1162 and House Bill 2697 do not pass, public transit riders will face disastrous service cuts beginning in early 2005. On Tuesday, October 5, there will be a bus trip to the State Capitol to join with other public transit groups from around the state
to rally for these bills. The bus will leave from downtown Pittsburgh at 7am and return by 8pm.
360-Degree Evaluations
by Ian Christie,
How would your boss and coworkers rate your job performance?
You can find out in a 360-degree evaluation.
Explaining Disability
Monster member EHSguyNsf posts:
I've been on short-term disability for 12 months due to an anxiety disorder. Just prior to being placed on disability, I was terminated. The official reason was "work performance," however, there were numerous political issue involved asThe Disabilities at Work Expert responds: A simple explanation is a medical leave. Legally... (more)
well. Any advice on how to explain this time off as well as the termination?
Upcoming Statewide Healthcare Conference
PA United for Single Payer Healthcare (PUSH) is a key participant in the planning for what is likely to be an extraordinary gathering of state and national experts and citizens from across Pennsylvania. The purpose of the stateTens of millions of Americans are under-insured. 45 million have no health insurance. Healthcare costs have increased by about 50% over the past four years. Small and large businesses and non-profits face exploding premiums. This results in cutbacks in coverage for employees and affects hiring decisions.
conference is to grapple with a crisis in healthcare of unprecedented proportions. It will be held on Monday, October 18th in Harrisburg.
President Bush has just announced the largest increase in Medicare premiums in the history of the program.
Something has to give. While the experts have much to tell us about various aspects of the problem, the dialogue with those who are most affected will be crucial to the development of
strategies to adequately address the problem.
The conference has two immediate goals: to develop a statewide national healthcare coalition and to adopt a bill to cover all Pennsylvanians similar to the legislation that has been introduced in over a dozen other states.
It could also help build the momentum to place universal health care in the U.S. on the agenda. The U.S. is the only industrialized nation in the world that lacks a system of national health care.
It is important to register early for the conference. Registration is $25. You can do so at:
In most job interviews, the phrase “overqualified” means “overpaid.” Like a good sales rep, counter this argument by focusing on your value rather than your price. Mention qualities like judgment, insight and experience -- especially if you've seen mistakes and won't make them.
Learn more interview tactics in my new book, Monster Careers, which can be found here or in bookstores everywhere. -- Jeff Taylor
don't rob your life of joy
Everyone has days when they feel down, tired, or hopeless; but when those feelings go from isolated days to weeks or months at a time, it may be more than just the blues. Depression is a serious medical illness that can destroy a person’s quality of life. The good news is it’s treatable. Find out if you or someone you care about is suffering from depression. :: more
National Depression Screening Day
Online Depression Screening
Mental Health Association of Allegheny County
Please visit:
4 October 2004
this Tuesday from Thomas Merton Center
Save Our Transit Bus Trip to Harrisburg
will depart from 4th Ave. & Ross St. (downtown)
10/5/2004 8:00 AM
Urban League of Pittsburgh Annual Meeting & Conference
CMU University Center
10/5/2004 12:00 PM
"Race and Incarceration" lecture by Al Blumstein
William Pitt Union, 3959 Fifth Avenue (Oakland)
10/5/2004 12:00 PM
George Soros Lecture at Pitt
Teplitz Memorial Courtroom, University of Pittsburgh Law School, 3900 Forbes Ave. (Oakland)
10/5/2004 6:00 PM
Citizen Police Review Board Special Meeting
Kingsley Association, 6435 Frankstown Ave. (East Liberty)
10/5/2004 7:00 PM
Moving Out of Your Comfort Zone
Franciscan Spirit & Life Center, 3605 McRoberts Rd.
10/5/2004 7:00 PM
From Violence to Wholeness
Oakland Catholic High School, 144 Craig St.
10/5/2004 7:00 PM
Protest Henry Kissinger in Pittsburgh
across street from Heinz Hall (downtown)
10/5/2004 7:00 PM
Author of "Whose Trade Organization?" Lori Wallach Speaking in Pittsburgh
David Lawrence Hall Room 121, Forbes Ave., University of Pittsburgh
10/5/2004 7:30 PM
Pittsburgh Interfaith Impact Network's Regional Equity Task Force meeting
Allegheny UU Church, North Ave. and Resaca Place (North Side)
10/5/2004 8:15 PM
The OTHER Kissinger Event: Screening of "The Trials of Henry Kissinger" (with author Christopher Hitchens)
Harris Theatre, 809 Liberty Ave. (downtown)
this Tuesday from Thomas Merton Center
Save Our Transit Bus Trip to Harrisburg
will depart from 4th Ave. & Ross St. (downtown)
10/5/2004 8:00 AM
Urban League of Pittsburgh Annual Meeting & Conference
CMU University Center
10/5/2004 12:00 PM
"Race and Incarceration" lecture by Al Blumstein
William Pitt Union, 3959 Fifth Avenue (Oakland)
10/5/2004 12:00 PM
George Soros Lecture at Pitt
Teplitz Memorial Courtroom, University of Pittsburgh Law School, 3900 Forbes Ave. (Oakland)
10/5/2004 6:00 PM
Citizen Police Review Board Special Meeting
Kingsley Association, 6435 Frankstown Ave. (East Liberty)
10/5/2004 7:00 PM
Moving Out of Your Comfort Zone
Franciscan Spirit & Life Center, 3605 McRoberts Rd.
10/5/2004 7:00 PM
From Violence to Wholeness
Oakland Catholic High School, 144 Craig St.
10/5/2004 7:00 PM
Protest Henry Kissinger in Pittsburgh
across street from Heinz Hall (downtown)
10/5/2004 7:00 PM
Author of "Whose Trade Organization?" Lori Wallach Speaking in Pittsburgh
David Lawrence Hall Room 121, Forbes Ave., University of Pittsburgh
10/5/2004 7:30 PM
Pittsburgh Interfaith Impact Network's Regional Equity Task Force meeting
Allegheny UU Church, North Ave. and Resaca Place (North Side)
10/5/2004 8:15 PM
The OTHER Kissinger Event: Screening of "The Trials of Henry Kissinger" (with author Christopher Hitchens)
Harris Theatre, 809 Liberty Ave. (downtown)
this Tuesday from Thomas Merton Center
Save Our Transit Bus Trip to Harrisburg
will depart from 4th Ave. & Ross St. (downtown)
10/5/2004 8:00 AM
Urban League of Pittsburgh Annual Meeting & Conference
CMU University Center
10/5/2004 12:00 PM
"Race and Incarceration" lecture by Al Blumstein
William Pitt Union, 3959 Fifth Avenue (Oakland)
10/5/2004 12:00 PM
George Soros Lecture at Pitt
Teplitz Memorial Courtroom, University of Pittsburgh Law School, 3900 Forbes Ave. (Oakland)
10/5/2004 6:00 PM
Citizen Police Review Board Special Meeting
Kingsley Association, 6435 Frankstown Ave. (East Liberty)
10/5/2004 7:00 PM
Moving Out of Your Comfort Zone
Franciscan Spirit & Life Center, 3605 McRoberts Rd.
10/5/2004 7:00 PM
From Violence to Wholeness
Oakland Catholic High School, 144 Craig St.
10/5/2004 7:00 PM
Protest Henry Kissinger in Pittsburgh
across street from Heinz Hall (downtown)
10/5/2004 7:00 PM
Author of "Whose Trade Organization?" Lori Wallach Speaking in Pittsburgh
David Lawrence Hall Room 121, Forbes Ave., University of Pittsburgh
10/5/2004 7:30 PM
Pittsburgh Interfaith Impact Network's Regional Equity Task Force meeting
Allegheny UU Church, North Ave. and Resaca Place (North Side)
10/5/2004 8:15 PM
The OTHER Kissinger Event: Screening of "The Trials of Henry Kissinger" (with author Christopher Hitchens)
Harris Theatre, 809 Liberty Ave. (downtown)
this Tuesday from Thomas Merton Center
Save Our Transit Bus Trip to Harrisburg
will depart from 4th Ave. & Ross St. (downtown)
10/5/2004 8:00 AM
Urban League of Pittsburgh Annual Meeting & Conference
CMU University Center
10/5/2004 12:00 PM
"Race and Incarceration" lecture by Al Blumstein
William Pitt Union, 3959 Fifth Avenue (Oakland)
10/5/2004 12:00 PM
George Soros Lecture at Pitt
Teplitz Memorial Courtroom, University of Pittsburgh Law School, 3900 Forbes Ave. (Oakland)
10/5/2004 6:00 PM
Citizen Police Review Board Special Meeting
Kingsley Association, 6435 Frankstown Ave. (East Liberty)
10/5/2004 7:00 PM
Moving Out of Your Comfort Zone
Franciscan Spirit & Life Center, 3605 McRoberts Rd.
10/5/2004 7:00 PM
From Violence to Wholeness
Oakland Catholic High School, 144 Craig St.
10/5/2004 7:00 PM
Protest Henry Kissinger in Pittsburgh
across street from Heinz Hall (downtown)
10/5/2004 7:00 PM
Author of "Whose Trade Organization?" Lori Wallach Speaking in Pittsburgh
David Lawrence Hall Room 121, Forbes Ave., University of Pittsburgh
10/5/2004 7:30 PM
Pittsburgh Interfaith Impact Network's Regional Equity Task Force meeting
Allegheny UU Church, North Ave. and Resaca Place (North Side)
10/5/2004 8:15 PM
The OTHER Kissinger Event: Screening of "The Trials of Henry Kissinger" (with author Christopher Hitchens)
Harris Theatre, 809 Liberty Ave. (downtown)
this Tuesday from Thomas Merton Center
Save Our Transit Bus Trip to Harrisburg
will depart from 4th Ave. & Ross St. (downtown)
10/5/2004 8:00 AM
Urban League of Pittsburgh Annual Meeting & Conference
CMU University Center
10/5/2004 12:00 PM
"Race and Incarceration" lecture by Al Blumstein
William Pitt Union, 3959 Fifth Avenue (Oakland)
10/5/2004 12:00 PM
George Soros Lecture at Pitt
Teplitz Memorial Courtroom, University of Pittsburgh Law School, 3900 Forbes Ave. (Oakland)
10/5/2004 6:00 PM
Citizen Police Review Board Special Meeting
Kingsley Association, 6435 Frankstown Ave. (East Liberty)
10/5/2004 7:00 PM
Moving Out of Your Comfort Zone
Franciscan Spirit & Life Center, 3605 McRoberts Rd.
10/5/2004 7:00 PM
From Violence to Wholeness
Oakland Catholic High School, 144 Craig St.
10/5/2004 7:00 PM
Protest Henry Kissinger in Pittsburgh
across street from Heinz Hall (downtown)
10/5/2004 7:00 PM
Author of "Whose Trade Organization?" Lori Wallach Speaking in Pittsburgh
David Lawrence Hall Room 121, Forbes Ave., University of Pittsburgh
10/5/2004 7:30 PM
Pittsburgh Interfaith Impact Network's Regional Equity Task Force meeting
Allegheny UU Church, North Ave. and Resaca Place (North Side)
10/5/2004 8:15 PM
The OTHER Kissinger Event: Screening of "The Trials of Henry Kissinger" (with author Christopher Hitchens)
Harris Theatre, 809 Liberty Ave. (downtown)
One section of the Patriot Act was ruled unconstitutional yesterday by a federal judge. The section, 505, gave the FBI power to demand information from companies without a court order and bars recipients of the... More
from WireTap...
Bob Woodward Visits My Campus
Suemedha Sood
Angel of the Youth Vote
Nikki Finke
On Being a Threat to Homeland Security
Angilee Shah
Fox Hunting Student Voters
Katha Pollitt
2004 Brower Youth Award Winners: Swimming Against The Tide
Meghan Casserly
Thy will be done...
Amy Sullivan, Washington Monthly
After four years, the president's faith-based policies have proven to be neither compassionate nor conservative.
from the desk of Dannai Harriel
Hello everyone,
Per our meeting conversation on Wednesday September 29, 2004 questions were raised about the Coalition for Working Families Networking Breakfast on October 27, 2004 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
at the Goodwill Industries at 2600 Carson Street (South Side). You must RSVP with Arlene Cianelli by phone at (412) 552-7061 or send email to .
The target audience is Case Managers, Intake and Admissions Staff,
Referral Staff and Reception Staff.
The goal is for agencies to share current information about the services available.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
My contact information can be found below.
Thank you,
Dannai Harriel
Perinatal Systems Liaison
Healthy START, INC. 400 N.Lexington Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15208
PH-(412) 247-4009 ext. 302 //FAX- (412) 247-0187
30 September 2004
no bumper stickers, just VOTE!
This week, Farai Chideya shares an excerpt from her new book, "Trust: Reachingthe 100 Million Missing Voters." She talks about why voting matters now.
Also, unless you've been in media hibernation, you know that hip-hop is gettingout the vote. But how effective is this trend? Michael Arceneaux argues that if you...
local assessment of care and services for homeless persons
Contact: Jocelyn Uhl
Patients and medical professionals may call 1-800-533-UPMC (8762) for more information. Telephone:412-647-3555. Fax:412-624-3184
PITTSBURGH, May 5, 2001 — A community supported work stabilization program promotes sustained decreases in substance use, criminal behavior and health care utilization in Pittsburgh homeless..
...the project evaluated a community-based work stabilization program that integrated health care providers, managed care providers, social service agencies, members of the private sector and charitable organizations to provide treatment to homeless individuals with substance abuse problems...
...“the people we studied were a very vulnerable population, what we were looking for, and may have found, is the best method to help them” said Dr. Gordon...more
swept under the rug...
Monday, November 10, 2003
Advocates for the homeless are accusing Pittsburgh officials of failing to adhere to a court-sanctioned settlement governing how the city handles property belonging to the homeless after sweeping their encampments. ..more
ACLU Suit (details on pdf)
for shelter from the Storm
Action Housing
ACTION-Housing, since 1957, has used its financial and human resources to empower the most vulnerable families and individuals in Pittsburgh and Allegheny County to build more secure and self-sufficient lives through the provision of decent affordable housing and essential supportive services.
Bethlehem Haven
Provides shelter, food, clothing, and professional services to more than 600 homeless women annually.
Bridge to Independence, Inc.
Provides supportive services to women, children and intact families who are homeless and/or financially deprived to empower them to become self-sufficient.
East End Cooperative Ministry (EECM)
an interfaith coalition of 46 congregations, parishes, and institutions united to minister to the human needs in the East End of Pittsburgh. The people served are the frail, homebound elderly, the hungry, the homeless, and children and youth in underprivileged neighborhoods.
Formerly North Hills Affordable Housing, HEARTH operates Benedictine Place which is a unique program that offers transitional housing, empowerment, and support for homeless and displaced women with children.
HUD's Pittsburgh Area Office
Provides information on the operation of HUD programs in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Office and electronic access to HUD staff.
Interfaith Hospitality Network of the South Hills
Interfaith Hospitality Network of the South Hills is an interdenominational program that links local congregations to offer round-the-clock shelter, meals and social services to homeless families in southern Allegheny County and the Washington, Pennsylvania area.
Light of Life Rescue Mission, Inc.
Nonprofit Christian agency dedicated to serving homeless and needy people of Southwestern Pennsylvania by providing food, shelter and hope.
Operation Safety Net
A medical outreach service delivered by clinical volunteers to the street homeless population in the Greater Pittsburgh area.
Triumphant Return Ministries
TRM is a Christian Street/Internet Outreach and Resource Ministry located in Pittsburgh.
Vietnam Veterans Leadership Program
Career Advising and Job Placement Assistance for all Veterans.
Voluntary Action Center of Beaver County, Inc.
The VAC is an agency the helps people of low or no income, young or senior citizen, people who fall between the cracks. The agency networks with all Beaver County agencies to insure proper referrals and getting the client what they need.
Washington City Mission
A non-profit Christian Shelter serving homeless men, women, children from Washington, Greene, southwestern Fayette, Southwestern Allegheny Counties.
Vietnam Veterans Leadership Program
Today, the agency's primary focus is on providing employment and housing assistance and support services to unemployed, underemployed, and homeless veterans and family members in Southwestern Pennsylvania. Members of the National Guard and Reserves are also encouraged to use VVLP's cost free services...more
Healthy Start Inc. Pittsburgh
Even with its success in reducing infant mortality, the United States still ranks poorly in relation to other developed countries. Although comparisons across countries are often difficult, it appears that the high rate of low birthweight in the U. S., when compared to other nations, is the major reason for the country's continued high rate of infant mortality...more (website seems to be slow-moving?)
City of Pittsburgh Housing Authority
state of the homeless in the 'Burgh
Friday, January 18, 2002
Washington, DC – During his recent visit to a Pittsburgh homeless shelter, facilitated by the Homeless Children and Family Emergency Fund, Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) praised the work of several shelters across the city for providing education to children who reside in these facilities. Additionally, Santorum touted the Senate's recent passage of the education bill which includes a provision to assist homeless children in accessing education. Santorum supported the bill, The No Child Left Behind Act, which was signed into law by President Bush on January 8, 2002.
The No Child Left Behind Act reauthorizes the Education for Homeless Children and Youth (EHCY) program, which requires that homeless children receive a free and appropriate public education. Specifically, the legislation calls for: ...more
more this week from Thomas Merton Center
"How a City-County Merger Can Work," with Louisville Mayor Jerry Abramson
Heinz History Center (Strip District)
9/30/2004 6:30 PM
"Global Population and Environment" Town Meeting
Benedum Hall, Engineering Auditorium, corner of O'Hara and Thackery, University of Pittsburgh
9/30/2004 7:30 PM
K'vetsh, an all-queer, all-gender open mic cabaret
Modern Formations Gallery, 4919 Penn Ave. (Garfield)
10/1/2004 7:00 PM
"Art, Dreams and Psychoanalysis," a Free Public Lecture
Society for Contemporary Craft, 2100 Smallman Street (Strip District)
10/1/2004 7:00 PM
Screening of "Uncovered: The War on Iraq" (October 1-7)
Harris Theatre, 809 Liberty Ave. (downtown)
10/1/2004 7:30 PM
"Living in Harmony," A Mindfulnes Retreat in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh
Franciscan Spirit & Life Center, 3605 McRoberts Road (South Hills)
10/2/2004 9:00 AM
Underground Action Alliance Students' Rights Workshop
125C Porter Hall, Carnegie Mellon University
10/2/2004 10:00 AM
"How Dreams and Art Relate," a Public Workshop
Society for Contemporary Craft, 2100 Smallman Street (Strip District)
10/2/2004 11:00 AM
PUSH: PA. United for Single-payer Healthcare meets
United Steelworkers, Blvd. of Allies & Stanwix St.
10/2/2004 12:00 PM
Regent Square Peace Vigil
corner of Forbes and Braddock
10/2/2004 12:00 PM
OohMahNee Animal Sanctuary Tours
OohMahNee Animal Sanctuary (New Stanton exit of the Turnpike)
10/2/2004 12:00 PM
Beaver County Peace Links Weekly Saturday Peace Vigil
Beaver County Courthouse, 3rd Street (Beaver)
10/2/2004 12:00 PM
Alternative to Warfare Vigil
Unitarian Church, North Ave and Resaca (Northside)
10/2/2004 1:00 PM
Black Voices for Peace Anti-War Protest
Corner of Penn and Highland in East Liberty
10/3/2004 12:00 AM
Affordable Health Care for All Week
national campaign, local actions
10/3/2004 4:00 PM
TMC Anti-War Committee Meeting
Thomas Merton Center, 5125 Penn Ave. (Garfield)
10/3/2004 6:30 PM
"Keep Space for Peace Week" video showing
Bliss Cafe, 7332 Penn Ave.
Thomas Merton Center
5125 Penn Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15224
412-361-3022412-361-0540 (fax)
Serving the peace and justice community since 1972
28 September 2004
from the desk of Andrew Rind
Please find the attached flyers for the Hispanic Center’s Workforce Solutions training program, which is sponsored by the Pittsburgh Foundation, Citizens Bank, Mellon, PNC Bank and National City.
Interested students please call the Hispanic Center at the following numbers: Toll free 1-866-772-8379 or 412-237-3189
Andrew S. Rind
The Hispanic Center, Inc.
800 Allegheny Ave, Suite 127
Pittsburgh, PA 15233
Fax: 412-237-3195
en Espanol y Ingles
El Centro Hispano, Inc.
Entrenamiento Gratuito en Servicios de Finanzas
Empiece una carrera profesional en un banco local como: National City, PNC Bank, Mellon y Citizens Bank:
· Mejore sus habilidades en ingles de comercio, computación y entrada de datos.
· Complete el entrenamiento en 8 semanas.
· Reciba asistencia para preparar su currÃculo, sus entrevistas, y para su búsqueda de empleo.
Escoja una sesión de información:
Fecha: 10/7/04 Hora 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
10/8/04 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
10/12/04 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Semana de entrenamiento: Octubre 18th
Llame el Centro Hispano para registrarse:
1-866-772-8379 o 412-237-3189
Oficina para el entrenamiento: Goodwill Industries of Pittsburgh,
Robert Foltz Building, 5th Floor
2600 East Carson Street Pittsburgh, PA 15219
The Hispanic Center, Inc.
Free Training for Financial Services
Entrenamieto Gratuito en Servicios de Finanzas
Start a professional career with local banks National City, PNC Bank, Mellon and Citizens Bank:
Improve your business English, computer and keyboarding skills
Complete training in 8 weeks
Graduates receive job placement support, resume and interview preparation
Choose an orientation time
Date: 10/7/04 Time 10:00AM- 11:00 AM
10/8/04 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
10/12/04 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Classes Start: October 18th
Please Call The Hispanic Center to reserve a space:
1-866-772-8379 or 412-237-3189
Orientation Location: Goodwill Industries of Pittsburgh,
Robert oltz Building, 5th Floor
2600 East Carson Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
27 September 2004
from the Desk of Scott Albert
Just wanted to drop everyone a line and let you know that there are still
plenty of seats available in October's Computer Classes.
If you know anyone who is interested, have them give me a call at 412-255-1163.
The schedule for October looks like this:
- Computer Basics - Mondays - Free
- PowerPoint - Tuesdays - $50 ($25 for job seekers)
- Word -Wednesdays - $50 ($25 for job seekers)
- Excel - Thursdays - $50 ($25 for job seekers)
- Access - Wed/Thur Evenings - $50 ($25 for job seekers)
Thanks, Scott A. Albert
Senior Training Specialist
YWCA of Greater Pittsburgh
305 Wood Street
Pittsburgh, Pa 15222
(this is a great opportunity please notify Scott if you're interested...jim)
this week: from the Thomas Merton Center
Andy Warhol Museum Showing of Images of Abu Ghraib Prison
Andy Warhol Museum, 117 Sandusky Street (North Side)
9/27/2004 1:00 PM
Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission Meeting in Pittsburgh!
Pittsburgh Hilton & Towers, 600 Commonwealth Place, Gateway Center (downtown)
9/27/2004 7:00 PM
T'ai Chi: Mondays
Kearns Spirituality Center 9000 Babcock Blvd. (Allison Park)
9/27/2004 7:00 PM
Pittsburgh Interfaith Impact Network Education Task Force meeting
Friends Meeting House, 4863 Ellsworth Ave. (Shadyside)
9/27/2004 7:00 PM
Thomas Merton Center Board Meeting (all TMC members welcome)
Thomas Merton Center, 5125 Penn Ave. (Garfield)
9/27/2004 8:30 PM
Students in Solidarity meeting
William Pitt Union Room 540, corner of Fifth and Bigelow (Oakland)
9/28/2004 6:00 PM
Citizens Police Review Board Meeting
City Council Chambers, 510 City County Building, Forbes & Grant St. (downtown)
9/28/2004 7:00 PM
Labyrinth Walk
Kearns Spirituality Center 9000 Babcock Blvd. (Allison Park)
9/28/2004 7:00 PM
"Keep Space for Peace" video showing (with Anne Feeney)
Bliss Cafe, 7332 Penn Ave.
9/28/2004 7:30 PM
Pittsburgh Interfaith Impact Network's Regional Equity Task Force meeting
Allegheny UU Church, North Ave. and Resaca Place (North Side)
9/28/2004 7:30 PM
Suffi Performance "Whirling Dervishes of Rumi"
Carnegie Music Hall
9/28/2004 7:30 PM
"Mumia Abu-Jamal: A Journalist's Struggle Against Political Persecution and the Death Penalty," a discussion with Robert R. Bryan
Baker Hall 136A (Adamson Wing), Carnegie Mellon University
9/28/2004 10:00 PM
"Lost Boys of Sudan"
9/29/2004 12:00 AM
"Les Liaisons Dangereuses"
Pgh. Playhouse
9/29/2004 5:00 PM
Interfaith Listening Team - dinner with Pgh Presbytery Peacemaking Ministry and Taize Service
East Liberty Presbyterian Church, corner of Highland & Penn Ave (East Liberty)
9/29/2004 6:00 PM
PUSH Political Action Committee Meeting
Scott Tyson's office, 5676 Steubenville Pike (Robinson)
9/29/2004 6:30 PM
"Keep Space for Peace Week" video showing
The Quiet Storm, 5430 Penn Ave. (Garfield/Friendship)
9/29/2004 7:00 PM
A Service of Healing & Wholeness
Franciscan Spirit & Life Center, 3605 McRobeerts Rd.
9/29/2004 7:00 PM
2004 Banned Books Reading
Carnegie Library Lecture Hall, 4400 Forbes Ave. (Oakland)
9/29/2004 7:30 PM
Dave Robinson on "Faith, Peace, and Politics"
Seton Hill University, Lynch Hall 101
9/30/2004 6:30 PM
"How a City-County Merger Can Work," with Louisville Mayor Jerry Abramson
Heinz History Center (Strip District)
9/30/2004 6:30 PM
"Global Population and Environment" Town Meeting
Benedum Hall, Engineering Auditorium, corner of O'Hara and Thackery, University of Pittsburgh
9/30/2004 7:30 PM
K'vetsh, an all-queer, all-gender open mic cabaret
Modern Formations Gallery, 4919 Penn Ave. (Garfield)
10/1/2004 7:00 PM
"Art, Dreams and Psychoanalysis," a Free Public Lecture
Society for Contemporary Craft, 2100 Smallman Street (Strip District)
10/1/2004 7:00 PM
Screening of "Uncovered: The War on Iraq" (October 1-7)
Harris Theatre, 809 Liberty Ave. (downtown)
10/1/2004 7:30 PM
"Living in Harmony," A Mindfulnes Retreat in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh
Franciscan Spirit & Life Center, 3605 McRoberts Road (South Hills)
be here-Now!

into the Gaping Void
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10/10 - 10/17
- YouthLINKS at Carrick High School
- upmc was also among the dozens of representatives ...
- pheaa will find me!Posted by Hello
- the faces of our futurePosted by Hello
- the art institute and the military services were o...
- lots of vo-tech and college info availablePosted b...
- this was a very large and motivated group of stude...
- lots of qustions and answersPosted by Hello
- YouthLINKS at Carrick H.S. Posted by Hello
10/03 - 10/10
- from the desk of Scott Albert
- from the Monster
- from AlterNet
- San Diego Dreamin'
- DailyOm
- School Daze....
- take me out to the Food Court...take me out to the...
- as Time goes by....
- snoop jobby-job
- The Best parent is Both parents!
- over the "Hump" with Thomas Merton Center
- go phish...
- wednesday calendar from Thomas Merton Center
- san diego dreamin'
- odds at end...
- don't rob your life of joy
- this Tuesday from Thomas Merton Center
- this Tuesday from Thomas Merton Center
- this Tuesday from Thomas Merton Center
- this Tuesday from Thomas Merton Center
- this Tuesday from Thomas Merton Center
- this Tuesday from Thomas Merton Center
- Rights & Liberties: One down, many to go. One sect...
- Thy will be done...
- from the desk of Dannai Harriel
09/26 - 10/03
- no bumper stickers, just VOTE!
- local assessment of care and services for homeles...
- swept under the rug...
- for shelter from the Storm
- Vietnam Veterans Leadership Program
- Healthy Start Inc. Pittsburgh
- City of Pittsburgh Housing Authority
- state of the homeless in the 'Burgh
- more this week from Thomas Merton Center
- from the desk of Andrew Rind
- from the Desk of Scott Albert
- this week: from the Thomas Merton Center
- ► 09/19 - 09/26 (15)
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