community Service means Business!
10 September 2004
Do you LUV new york
Selena Butler is pulling together a New York City Shopping Extravaganza
how you doin'?
Date: Friday, Nov 19th,2004
For additional information call Selena @ 412-889-6246
price = $65.00 usd round trip fare only
Departure: 11:30 p.m. @ 6th Street parking garage
(across the street from the Welfare Office, McKeesport.)
A second pick-up will be added if needed, call for details)
Selena says: “There will be two drivers and we will have full use of the coach”
1st Stop: The Aqua Duck, Flea Market,
2nd Stop: Manhattan,
Last stop: Jersey Gardens (Mall & Outlet Shopping for all ages)
For additional information call Selena @ 412-889-6246
price = $65.00 usd round trip fare only!
All deposits are now due to secure your seat, balance due Oct. 29th, 2004
“All payments are non-refundable/non-transferable” seats will be sold on first paid first served basis.
hope to see you there...jim
the Heart of Darkness
Fitness level may predict heart disease better than obesity
Diabetes triples risk of heart failure for women
Heart remodels itself after coronary treatment
Long-term safety of low-carb diets unclear
Clinton to undergo heart surgery in New York
Little racial difference seen in atherosclerosis rates
New benefit found from blood pressure drug
Study supports expanded blood pressure treatment
Deconditioning may help athletes with heart condition
Ethnic Majority is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering African, Hispanic, and Asian Americans to advance themselves in society and improve their quality of life. We do this by focusing on the major challenges that face people of color in a number of critical interest areas, such as: (more...)
a pocket full of rye...
A joint project of Tides Foundation & SPIN Project
Designed as a "best practices" resource, this new publication provides extensive information, tips, how-to's, case studies, check lists, message language, media spin strategies and much more. It contains just about everything you will need to mount an effective media effort around living wage, except the actual headlines and news coverage!
there's got to be a morning after...pill
No matter who wins the election in November, community organizations will have lots of work ahead. See the latest article from the editors of Loud and Clear in an Election Year to help your organization with scenario planning and post-election strategies.
"Community groups need to engage, not disappear in the election year. Now they have Loud and Clear to help them steer through the legalities and ensure they will be heard by the public and press." –Congresswomen Rosa DeLauro "At a time when the country is split 50-50, elections hinge on the issues. Loud and Clear is an excellent resource for community groups who want to be heard and make a difference in the pivotal 2004 debate about our nation's direction and future." –Carl Pope, Executive Director of the Sierra Club
"It's everything you need to know from now to November. Any public interest communicator who reaches for the Rolaids whenever the subject of the election arises should consider buying a copy." –Andy Goodman, Author Why Bad Ads Happen to Good Causes.
join hands across the net
The purpose of the Wireless Neighborhoods project is to empower communities -- to provide access to information technology resources to enable communities to become competitive in education, human development, workforce development, health care and economic opportunity. Many communities, especially those in low-income urban areas, lack the resources required to succeed in these activities, especially in the new era of information technology. Wireless Neighborhoods provides the resources to develop necessary human skills and network infrastructure to help community groups enhance their programs and work collaboratively with schools and other community groups.
healthy price jump
Fourth consecutive year of double-digit growth, study shows
The Associated Press
Updated: 7:22 p.m. ET Sept. 9, 2004
NEW YORK - Health care costs continued to surge this year as family premiums in employer-sponsored plans jumped 11.2 percent, the fourth year of double-digit growth, according to a new study. (more...)
9 September 2004
Without question, Ursula Rucker is one of today’s foremost poets; having collaborated with some of music’s most sophisticated innovators such as King Britt, The Roots, 4 Hero, Jazzanova, Masters at Work, Rob Yancey and The Society.
(Ursula Rucker will perform Sept. 11 at the Shadow Lounge, 5972 Baum Blvd., East Liberty, with Soma Mestizo and poets Davu Ayomi, Tha Lioness, Jack Wilson and Vema Sam’i. Call 412-363-8277 for more information or log on to
element 5. We are dedicated to bringing out the soul of underground culture in the city of bridges and helping build a community interconnected with the elements beneath the surface. Our goal is to promote collective creativity through a fluid intersection of people, places, ideas and vibrations. In doing so, we seek to connect independent arts and culture to the urban development of Pittsburgh and unlock the potential energy through the poetry of people in motion....
Sanders participants won’t attend meetings by Christian Morrow Courier Staff Writer
After spending more than $147 million in 10 years to improve its public housing and twice asking a federal judge to be released from the dictates of the Sanders Decree. read more >>
EEOC sues Sears, alleges racial bias in firing
The federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed a lawsuit against Sears Roebuck & Co., alleging that the retailer illegally fired a store manager in New Jersey on the basis of race. read more >>
Needle exchange OK’d by health dept. by Christian Morrow Courier Staff Writer
Following a month of public hearings, the Allegheny County Board of Health has voted to continue a local needle exchange program. read more >>
Center City...On back burner. by Sonya M. Toler
As of this coming Saturday it will have been three years since America was attacked with commercial jets used as weapons in suicide missions by foreign terrorists. read more >>
Editorial...Protesting still mattersAIDS. Abortion rights. Ending the war in Iraq. Stop the genocide in Sudan. read more >>
GOP compassion: ‘Big pimpin’’ by Ron Walters
In the 2000 elections, Republicans tried to evoke a convention theme that projected them as the “compassionate” party. read more >>
Letter to Bill Clinton by George E. Curry
Dear President Clinton: I am deeply troubled by how my profession is easily manipulated as was evident last week when the GOP launched a withering attack on John Kerry. read more >>
College tuition getting higher (and harder) to pay by Judge Greg Mathis
Massive layoffs, a growing deficit and an illegitimate war are not the only legacy of George W. Bush’s time in office. read more >>
The Way I See It...Will the war ever end? by Joseph C. Phillips
How badly I wish we could all agree that John Kerry—along with two and a half million other American men and women—served this nation honorably in Viet Nam and then move on to more substantive issues. read more >>
The YWCA is committed to its Christian roots by Cecilia Griffin Golden
In the Aug. 25 edition of the New Pittsburgh Courier a commentary written by Roland S. Martin, editorial consultant for the Chicago Defender, focused on the YWCA USA, and questioned whether the organization had moved away from... read more >>
Write On...Letters To The Editor
the AlterNet reality show
George Bush, This is Your Life Evan Derkacz, AlterNet
Election 2004: Will George Bush come clean about his youthful profligate ways?
Will the Hip Hop Generation Go Green?Farai Chideya, AlterNet
Election 2004: Will voters of color ever take to any of the smaller political parties out there? Farai Chideya explores this in her new book, "Trust: Reaching the 100 Million Missing Voters."
The Suburbanization of PovertyPeter Dreier, The NationThe American Dream of suburbia – backyard grilling and upward mobility – rings hollow in today's economy.
Profile of a Party School Marah Eakin, WireTap
WireTap: Ohio University is located in a town with a median age of 21.5, 19 bars within 3 blocks of the main drag. So why was anyone surprised when it showed up 5th on this year's list of Top Party Schools?
Public Opinion Watch: Aug. 30 to Sept. 5 Ruy Teixeira, The Center for American Progress and The Century Foundation
Election 2004: Did the convention really deliver a bounce for Bush? How does likely voter polling work anyway?
test of the blog system
hope to be on line soon....jim
8 September 2004
what is Hip?
The best known of the get-out-the-young groups is Rock the Vote, which started
in 1990. And it's been joined recently by similar entertainment-oriented efforts such as Involver, HeadCount and Punkvoter. Registration drives are popular on college campuses across the United States.
more from the YWCA of Greater PGH Workforce Development team!
In addition to the great training possibilities outlined above, the YWCA of Greater Pittsburgh's Workforce Development team also conducts various Fee for Service trainings. These trainings are typically offered to local businesses, organizations and clubs located in and around the Pittsburgh area. All Fee for Service trainings are customized for the consumer in order to match the workplace environment and to best serve our customers' interest.
Fee for Services
Current Fee for Service trainings include:
MS Office Trainings: The Workforce Development's Training Team will conduct onsite or offsite trainings for interested candidates. Any computer related training can be designed and customized to meet the specific needs of any employer. Employers can be certain that their employees will leave our MS Office training with a thorough understanding of the products, their uses and applications.
Goals/Organization: Typically Goals and Organization go hand in hand. The Workforce Development's Training Team is committed to helping employers meet their business goals. The Goal Setting/Organization workshop can be designed with a company's specific focus in mind or conducted simply to help employees become organized in order to meet any goal.
Professional Writing Workshop: This workshop introduces strategies that will make writing and communication for effective. Topics in this workshop include business grammar, power vocabulary, language techniques, letter writing strategies, email and clear communication approaches. This workshop is guaranteed to help make workplace communication more effective and efficient.
ESL in the Workplace: Often the communication process in a work environment can break down when people of other countries struggle to follow verbal directions, have difficulty adjusting to workplace culture or are intimidated about sharing good ideas simply because of their lack of confidence in the spoken/written language. English as a Second Language in the Workplace is designed to break down those barriers for individuals so that the workplace may run more effectively.Diversity: In an ever-changing and diverse culture, it is often necessary for employers and employees to learn about each other's differences, similarities and customs. Diversity trainings are customized for each individual work environment. Thorough evaluation of the workplace's demographics is conducted before implementation of this training.
Math in the Workplace: The age of computers and high-tech calculators has made it very easy for us all to forget about the basic Mathematical concepts that are so crucial to our everyday lives. Topics in this workshop include percentages, fractions, statistical math, basic operations and anything else deemed appropriate for the workplace.
Professional Presentations: Learning to set up a slide show in MS PowerPoint is just the beginning. The act of actually usually the presentation is another thing. The Professional Presentations workshop will teach participants the fine art of presenting verbally to a group, and professionally on paper. The training will also show participants how to use info and data from other MS Office Applications in the PowerPoint Presentation.
The current pay scale for Fee for Service Trainings is $200 per hour if conducted onsite at the YWCA of Greater Pittsburgh and $250 per hour if conducted in the workplace.
The fees include all necessary preparations and materials. If additional preparation time or materials are necessary in order to conduct an effective training, additional costs may be implemented.
7 September 2004
Support our Local Businesses
Please consider the 3 decades of creativity and practical experience that W&W Photography can bring to your next event.
Visit their website at
http://www.wwphotography.comor contact Dean Willis at 412-487-8184.
Don't leave those precious memories to chance...Leave it to W&W.
i like my dakini shaken not stirred...
Dakini Deities and the Enlightened Seeker
Man or woman, you can adopt the attitude of a Dakini for yourself: examine your true nature, shake up your preconceived notions, and smash your limitations. All you have to lose are the stumbling blocks that have prevented you from pursuing your higher goals. For more information visit:
no more wallflowers!
What can you do to get noticed and prevent another opportunity from passing you by? Study these solutions to the five common myths that can hold you back from a rewarding career.(more...)
X blocks the Square!
"It was surprising this past week when we learned that former President Clinton has to undergo bypass surgery due to blockages in his heart. He appears trim and healthy. But if anything, that just shows that heart disease can, and does, strike anyone. It is the No. 1 killer of both men and women. The good news is there are factors you can control which can prevent it." (more...)
Published: June 23, 2004
By Ben Smith, Security Strategist, Microsoft Corporation
Passwords are used to help protect the confidentiality of everything from your bank account information to your color scheme preferences on a Web site. With so many account names and passwords to remember, it's tempting to reuse them. You might want to think twice about this.
new Job Posting!!!
Each of the community partners will be hiring a Community Technology Center Site Coordinator and a part-time tutor. Attached and listed below are copies of the job announcement and project description.
Help make this historic program a success by helping us locate the best candidates for the position. Please forward this to all your contacts and encourage qualified candidates to apply.
If you would like to find out more about Wireless Neighborhoods or specifically this project feel free to call us.
Thanks... Rick Flanagan -----412-913-4360
Wireless Neighborhoods
Community LEARNS Project
Title: Community Technology Center Site Coordinator
Salary Range: $28,000-$32,000 plus benefits package
Position Start Date: Fall 2004
Duration: One-year
Status: Full-time Job Summary: Responsible for management of a Community Technology Center and the coordination of educational services and software; mentoring and case management of approximately 40 Peabody High School freshmen.
Contact Person: Stephen MacIsaac, Executive Director Office 412.471-1914 Fax 412.471.1592
E-mail resumes to:
Partnering organizations: East End Corporative Ministry, Parental Stress Center, Bloomfield Garfield Corporation, Mt. Ararat Community Activity Center, YouthPlaces
Lead Organization: Wireless Neighborhoods
*Ongoing progress reports to CTC site supervisor, CTC Advisory Committee and appropriate staff of Wireless Neighborhoods
*Responsible for all program components to be implemented based upon the approved proposal and contract with the funding entities
*Participation on advisory committee
*Participate in training of PPS educational software and the Emerging Links Digital Divide Initiative
*Provide case management to 40 participants
*Track progress of all participants....This includes tracking attendance, amount of time spent on educational software, collecting appropriate evaluative data from the school, behavior and other appropriate data of individual students. Will use this information to design and implement an individual plan of action based upon each participant's needs.
*Approve that all participants' individual files contain all pertinent documentation/information
*Timely and complete submission of reporting and administrative paperwork to the appropriate entities
*Maintain relationships with Peabody high school staff and administration to share information
*Purchase materials for the CTC site and track all expenditures
*Make sure proper invoicing process takes place in a timely manner and appropriate documentation is available
*Ensure announcements, bulletins, articles or other PR and marketing materials are submitted to local publications (newspapers, magazines, newsletters) where appropriate
*Compose letters, flyers and other correspondence to participants, their families and partners involved with the project.
*Interact with the collaborative group of agencies to implement recruitment process of participants
*Network with existing and new institutional partners for supportive service partnerships
*Create calendar of Emerging Links/Digital Divide parent training and/or other activities. Implement and monitor those activities. Where appropriate, identify partners and develop relationships to implement other training programs.
*With assistance from CTC site supervisor, develop initiatives and other components that support and nurture the overall program.
Day-to-day maintenance the community technology center
Supervision of part-time employees and volunteers
Required Qualifications:
Bachelor's Degree Preferred
Experience working with urban youth
Experience in the field of education or related area
Case management experience a plus
Passionate about working with youth & families
Must be available for work on Saturdays and evenings
Computer literate and background in the utilization of technology
Current PA Driver's License
Act 33/34 clearances
*CTC (Community Technology Centers) Project*
Groups involved:
PPS*Peabody High School*Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation*East End Cooperative Ministries*Parental Stress Center*Mount Ararat Community Activity Center*YouthPlaces.
Focus: Provide extended day and extended year academic programming for 200 9th grade students at Peabody who are low-income and who are not achieving proficiency in math and/or reading.
Objective: To create five district-certified Community Technology Centers, one in Peabody and four in the community organizations surrounding Peabody that will have access to the same electronic curricular content offered to the 9th grade students by PPS and to increase Parental Engagement.
Student Requirements:
Each student must meet a yearly minimum goal of 300 hours of academic support
Highlights for Parents: Through the Emerging Links/Digital Divide project, parents will be able to:
E-mail teachers
Check their child̢۪s attendance
View and check grades
View homework assignments online
Highlights for Community Groups: Each site̢۪s computer lab will have a minimum of 10 computers with access to all electronic curricular materials and access to literacy and math software packages such as:
Carnegie Learning Cognitive Tutor- used by PPS as its mainstream high school mathematics curriculum. This includes full curricula in Algebra I & II, Geometry, Integrated Math Series and Quantitative Literacy through Algebra.
A+dvanced Learning System (A+LS) – A+LS reading curriculum is a comprehensive, completely integrated reading curriculum for grade levels 1-12.
Academy of Reading
The AutoSkill Academy of Reading software is an accelerated reading solution that helps struggling readers quickly achieve grade level proficiency.
Requirements of Community Groups:
Receive training on Academic Software & Emerging Links
Provide Case Management to 40 young people and their families when necessary
Provide access to computer labs 6 days/week
Monitor & Report student participation/progress regularly with school and parent
Engage in the Parent Engagement activities outlined in the proposal
Provide instruction that is aligned with the high school curricula
1. Increase students' academic achievement
2. Increase students' school performance
3. Parents will show improved engagement
4. Program satisfaction
The Advisory Council (1 representative from each community or faith based group, 1- 9th grade teacher from Peabody, a principal or vice principal, 2 -parents and 2 students) will provide general oversight of the project and assist in recommending any changes that are needed in the program as a result of reviewing data that has been collected and shared with the schools.
be here-Now!

into the Gaping Void
My Friend Flickr
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09/05 - 09/12
- Do you LUV new york
- the Heart of Darkness
- Stand!
- a pocket full of rye...
- there's got to be a morning after...pill
- join hands across the net
- healthy price jump
- the AlterNet reality show
- test of the blog system
- what is Hip?
- more from the YWCA of Greater PGH Workforce Develo...
- Support our Local Businesses
- i like my dakini shaken not stirred...
- no more wallflowers!
- X blocks the Square!
- word!?
- new Job Posting!!!
- ► 08/29 - 09/05 (22)
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