community Service means Business!
17 September 2004
there's a seat for every bottom
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Silly Campaign Bumper Stickers
Have you seen the new presidential election bumper stickers? "Bush/Cheney '04: We're Gooder!" or "National Security Is Overrated Anyway: John Kerry For President." What about: "Annoy ALL Politicians: Work Hard and Be Happy"? Share the funny bumper stickers you've spotted--or have slapped on your own car--in the Comedy & Jokes Forum.
8 Secrets for a Successful Office Romance
They say it can't work, but take heart! An office romance can be the best thing that ever happens to you--if you know how to make it work. Get tips in the Career Management Forum.
Top 10 Biggest Lies Ever Told: Share YOUR List!
Do these lies sound familiar? "I'm from the government, and I am here to help you." Or this one: "But we can still be good friends." Yeah, right! Have you ever heard an unconvincing lie or two that you'd like to share? Share unbelievable lies in the Comedy & Jokes Forum.
Work Until You're 85? NO! How to Retire Early
With more and more people having to work until they are 65, 75, or even 85, here's how to get on the fast track to an early retirement. Tips you can't afford to miss are in the Money & Investing Forum.
15 Steps to Raising a Brat!
Are your kids--or the neighbor's brood--a bunch of brats? Join the Family Forum discussion to find out why some kids are brats and offer your suggestions on what makes a perfectly nice kid turn into a little monster.
Greatest Sports Movies
What sport has received the best treatment on film? Take this fun poll and voice your opinion in the ShowBiz Forum.
For Whom Would bin Laden Vote?
The admittedly biased Republican Forum asks you to think about this when deciding for whom to cast your vote in November: Consider for whom Osama bin Laden would vote and then vote for the other guy. That other guy would be George W. Bush. Agree? Disagree? Join the discussion!
Can Anyone Get a Fair Trial Anymore?
In those high-profile cases that the media has spoon-fed to us for months, how can anyone not have a preformed opinion? We hear "evidence" prior to a trial that is excluded at the trial. It can't be forgotten! What say you? Join the debate in the Crime Forum.
Harvard President Lawrence H. Summers announced in February 2004 a major new initiative designed to encourage talented students from families of low and moderate income to attend Harvard College. While the new initiative has four major components, including recruitment, admissions, and a summer academic program designed to prepare talented students from financially disadvantaged backgrounds for college, the financial aid component increases aid for students from low and moderate income families.
Beginning with the 2004-05 year, parents in families with incomes of less than $40,000 will no longer be expected to contribute to the cost of attending Harvard for their children. In addition, Harvard will reduce the contributions expected of families with incomes between $40,000 and $60,000.
The University has earmarked $2 million in new financial aid funds to cover this expanded aid next year, bringing its total annual scholarship budget for undergraduates to just under $80 million. The new initiative, which will take effect next fall for all students – entering and returning – is expected to benefit more than 1000 families on an annual basis.
The new financial aid initiative is the latest step in a progressive expansion of financial aid at Harvard in recent years. Harvard College's nearly $80 million in scholarships for undergraduates in the coming year represents a 49% increase over the past six years when inflation rose by only 13.5%.
This increase in scholarship aid has reduced the average student loan debt upon graduation to $8,800 for the Class of 2003, a figure well below the national average of close to $20,000.
Visit for the full text of this announcement.
(thanks Mr. Moody....jim)
16 September 2004
down under
Aidan Doyle, Pacific News Service
The upcoming election in Australia could turn out to be a referendum on the country's participation in the 'Coalition of the Willing.'
no vote; no regets
Moya Bailey tells us what would bring youth to the polls (and it's not P.Diddy):
George Chen assesses the options and the effectiveness of punks in politics:
Yvonne Bynoe breaks down how to move a hip-hop political movement from rhetoricto reality:
15 September 2004
get some training right heeere!
Sent: Fri 10-Sep-04 5:27 PM To: Cc:;
Subject: Certification Training for Career & Workforce Development Program Staff Starts 10/04 at Duquesne University
There is a growing number of professionals within Southwestern PA who have enhanced their skills as workforce development professionals by becoming part of an emerging certification credential and graduate network.
Acquiring this credential involves120 hours of training (in class 2 days per month for 6 months plus field work), which upon completion, positions the individual to be certified by the Center for Credentialing and Education, Inc. as a Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF).
In addition, graduates also obtain instruction and experience needed to become Certified Workforce Development Professionals through NAWDP, and the training addresses the USDOL one-stop staff standards and other competency sets such as those promoted ICESA, NECA, etc.
Those who work in the field of career and workforce development are part of a new and emerging profession. The Enhanced GCDF credential is growing in its recognition and acceptance. Those who complete the training and acquire certification are recognized as having met or exceeded established standards, including achievement of established competencies, adherence to a Code of Ethics, and the attainment of minimum education and experience requirements.
A new class is gearing up to start in October (and meets on the 14th and 15th at 101 Rockwell Hall, Duquesne University), and classes will also commence again in January 2005. Those who work in a variety of career development settings qualify to pursue this certification.
If you are a trainer, work in a career resource center, work with ex-inmates, provide job coaching services, provide case management services, work in job placement, work in human resources, or are in any position that provides occupational and labor market information to individuals, you should consider how this training and credential might be of benefit to you, your program, your agency, and the customers you serve.
If this sounds interesting to you, and you would like more information, please visit and check out more information on the CDF program (you can download schedules, applications, and scholarship forms), contact WDPN via Shelly Wilson toll fee at (1-877-937-6638) ext 25, or ask for more information via a reply Email and we will get in touch and discuss the course with interested applicants even further.
Best regards,
Bill Freed, WDPN Enhanced CDFI Master Level Trainer, CWDP and WIA Certified Peer Trainer
FREEdLANCE Group for Career & Workforce Innovation
The School House Offices, Suite 213
1100 Washington Avenue
Carnegie, PA 15106
Phone: 412-429-7650 ext 27
Fax: 412-429-7651
Toll Free Phone: 1-877-WDPN.NET (1-877-937-6638)
- Project Management, Consulting & Technical Assistance
- Staff & Program Development, Self-Assessments, Certifications and CEUs
- Online Career Planning, Exploration, and EAP Systems
- Virtual Job Fairs, Conferences, and WWW Sites
Sweetwater's Mavuno Festival
Sweetwater announces Mavuno 2004, an African American performing and visual arts festival. Throughout the month of October, we will be bringing you a host of talented artists and performers, who will help celebrate the diversity of our region through the arts.
Mavuno 2004 offers a wide-range of family-friendly events and exhibitions-many of them free or at minimal cost to you and your family.
The John & Sarah Installation** October 4th – 29th ...Sweetwater Center for the Arts. A major, mixed media, “walk through” installation developed by local African American artist, Curtis Reaves, that interprets and replicates the home site of two former slaves from Western Pennsylvania.
Traditional Crafts October 1st – 31st ...In conjunction with the John & Sarah exhibition, Sweetwater will present “traditional craft” classes for children and the general public as part of its fall 2004 course offerings.
First Fruit VIII** October 4th – 29th...Balcony Gallery- An exhibition of contemporary visual art by African American artists from Western Pennsylvania.
First Fruit Opening Reception ** October 8th...Sweetwater Center for the Arts-7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Come and meet the artists!
Juxtapower** October 13th ...Penn State Beaver Campus, Beaver, PA -7:30 p.m. Performance of South Africa’s Dance & Song Ensemble. Jointly-sponsored with Penn State; Beaver Campus.
Jazz on the Steinway Sweetwater Center for the Arts. Benefit performance for Sweetwater Center for the Arts. A great evening of Jazz featuring talented pianist and vocalist, Betty Douglas.
Mavuno Voices: Open Mike ** October 21st...Sweetwater Center for the Arts -7:00 p.m. Local poets and writers share their talent for an evening of innovative “spoken art”
One World Tribe ** October 23rd...Sewickley Academy- 7:00 p.m. A “multi-ethnic” musical ensemble featuring music from various cultural traditions including African American rhythm and blues, gospel, reggae and Latino percussion.
Mavuno Guest Lecture ** October 23rd...Sweetwater Center for the Arts -7:00 p.m. Join us as John Ford, of the Heinz History Center presents “American Slave Life” a touching and intimate look at life during a by-gone era that incorporates artifacts and first-hand narratives.
Mavuno Voices: Children’s Poetry Event ** October 29th...Sewickley Community Center -4:30 p.m. Come and hear the inspired voices of our community’s children as they create and recite their own works of poetry. Jointly-sponsored with the Sewickley Community Center.
Hair Stories” by Urban Bush Women October 29th ...Massey Auditorium, Robert Morris University, Moon Twp.- 7:00 p.m.Admission: $8 adults / $4 children under 12/ seniors/students Call: 412-741-4405 for ticket info. This Brooklyn-based performing arts group will travel to Sewickley to present a cabaret version of their popular larger show, entitled “Hair Stories”. Through this program, they will present a fusion of dance, music and storytelling that creates an entertaining but thoughtful visual and aural exploration of issues centering on concepts of beauty and self esteem among women, with particular emphasis on the experience of African American women.
Mavuno 2004 is underwritten in part by the generous support of the Pennsylvania Humanities Council, The Multicultural Arts Initiative, The Allegheny Regional Asset District (ARAD), and the Sewickley Eye Group.
Dear Colleague:
The Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board is happy to release the fourth edition of “Understanding the Local Labor Market: Promising Career Pathways in Pittsburgh and Allegheny County.” The goal of this series is to get clear, local information about in-demand occupations into the hands of people who work with jobseekers.
This edition focuses on machinists: their job conditions and wages, local supply and demand for workers, and training options. Please check the publication out by clicking on the link below:
We welcome you to forward this message to others you know who may be interested. If you would like to be added to or removed from our list, or if you have any other questions or suggestions, please reply to this e-mail or contact Theodora Finn at, (412) 552-7096. She can also send you hard copies in sets of 25 for $25. This publication is available in alternate formats upon request.
Ron Painter Executive Director Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board Regional Enterprise Tower, Suite 1750 425 Sixth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15217
tokyo dreamin'
Meet my friend at the coffee shop.
Vocabulary / Expressions
kissaten/coffee shop
machiawase/waiting (for a person at an appointed place)
suru = to do
Notes: The particle "to" translates into "with." "De" is a particle which indicates the place where an action takes place.
strange bedfellows...
HR 235 was introduced to liberate clergy from the muzzle imposed by the absolute ban on all speech that may be regarded as "political," and thereby enable them to speak out on all vital and moral and political questions of the day. It will free houses of worship from the fear and anxiety and uncertainty created by the threat that the IRS will impose financial penalties or revoke tax-exempt status altogether.
The Houses of Worship Free Speech Restoration Act (H.R.235) would allow religious organizations to support or oppose candidates for public office without losing their 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt status. It currently has 150 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives. We must not let this bill become law as it is divisive and unnecessary. Please contact your Representative and tell him or her not to support this bill.
be here-Now!

into the Gaping Void
My Friend Flickr
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