community Service means Business!
30 September 2004
no bumper stickers, just VOTE!
This week, Farai Chideya shares an excerpt from her new book, "Trust: Reachingthe 100 Million Missing Voters." She talks about why voting matters now.
Also, unless you've been in media hibernation, you know that hip-hop is gettingout the vote. But how effective is this trend? Michael Arceneaux argues that if you...
local assessment of care and services for homeless persons
Contact: Jocelyn Uhl
Patients and medical professionals may call 1-800-533-UPMC (8762) for more information. Telephone:412-647-3555. Fax:412-624-3184
PITTSBURGH, May 5, 2001 — A community supported work stabilization program promotes sustained decreases in substance use, criminal behavior and health care utilization in Pittsburgh homeless..
...the project evaluated a community-based work stabilization program that integrated health care providers, managed care providers, social service agencies, members of the private sector and charitable organizations to provide treatment to homeless individuals with substance abuse problems...
...“the people we studied were a very vulnerable population, what we were looking for, and may have found, is the best method to help them” said Dr. Gordon...more
swept under the rug...
Monday, November 10, 2003
Advocates for the homeless are accusing Pittsburgh officials of failing to adhere to a court-sanctioned settlement governing how the city handles property belonging to the homeless after sweeping their encampments. ..more
ACLU Suit (details on pdf)
for shelter from the Storm
Action Housing
ACTION-Housing, since 1957, has used its financial and human resources to empower the most vulnerable families and individuals in Pittsburgh and Allegheny County to build more secure and self-sufficient lives through the provision of decent affordable housing and essential supportive services.
Bethlehem Haven
Provides shelter, food, clothing, and professional services to more than 600 homeless women annually.
Bridge to Independence, Inc.
Provides supportive services to women, children and intact families who are homeless and/or financially deprived to empower them to become self-sufficient.
East End Cooperative Ministry (EECM)
an interfaith coalition of 46 congregations, parishes, and institutions united to minister to the human needs in the East End of Pittsburgh. The people served are the frail, homebound elderly, the hungry, the homeless, and children and youth in underprivileged neighborhoods.
Formerly North Hills Affordable Housing, HEARTH operates Benedictine Place which is a unique program that offers transitional housing, empowerment, and support for homeless and displaced women with children.
HUD's Pittsburgh Area Office
Provides information on the operation of HUD programs in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Office and electronic access to HUD staff.
Interfaith Hospitality Network of the South Hills
Interfaith Hospitality Network of the South Hills is an interdenominational program that links local congregations to offer round-the-clock shelter, meals and social services to homeless families in southern Allegheny County and the Washington, Pennsylvania area.
Light of Life Rescue Mission, Inc.
Nonprofit Christian agency dedicated to serving homeless and needy people of Southwestern Pennsylvania by providing food, shelter and hope.
Operation Safety Net
A medical outreach service delivered by clinical volunteers to the street homeless population in the Greater Pittsburgh area.
Triumphant Return Ministries
TRM is a Christian Street/Internet Outreach and Resource Ministry located in Pittsburgh.
Vietnam Veterans Leadership Program
Career Advising and Job Placement Assistance for all Veterans.
Voluntary Action Center of Beaver County, Inc.
The VAC is an agency the helps people of low or no income, young or senior citizen, people who fall between the cracks. The agency networks with all Beaver County agencies to insure proper referrals and getting the client what they need.
Washington City Mission
A non-profit Christian Shelter serving homeless men, women, children from Washington, Greene, southwestern Fayette, Southwestern Allegheny Counties.
Vietnam Veterans Leadership Program
Today, the agency's primary focus is on providing employment and housing assistance and support services to unemployed, underemployed, and homeless veterans and family members in Southwestern Pennsylvania. Members of the National Guard and Reserves are also encouraged to use VVLP's cost free services...more
Healthy Start Inc. Pittsburgh
Even with its success in reducing infant mortality, the United States still ranks poorly in relation to other developed countries. Although comparisons across countries are often difficult, it appears that the high rate of low birthweight in the U. S., when compared to other nations, is the major reason for the country's continued high rate of infant mortality...more (website seems to be slow-moving?)
City of Pittsburgh Housing Authority
state of the homeless in the 'Burgh
Friday, January 18, 2002
Washington, DC – During his recent visit to a Pittsburgh homeless shelter, facilitated by the Homeless Children and Family Emergency Fund, Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) praised the work of several shelters across the city for providing education to children who reside in these facilities. Additionally, Santorum touted the Senate's recent passage of the education bill which includes a provision to assist homeless children in accessing education. Santorum supported the bill, The No Child Left Behind Act, which was signed into law by President Bush on January 8, 2002.
The No Child Left Behind Act reauthorizes the Education for Homeless Children and Youth (EHCY) program, which requires that homeless children receive a free and appropriate public education. Specifically, the legislation calls for: ...more
more this week from Thomas Merton Center
"How a City-County Merger Can Work," with Louisville Mayor Jerry Abramson
Heinz History Center (Strip District)
9/30/2004 6:30 PM
"Global Population and Environment" Town Meeting
Benedum Hall, Engineering Auditorium, corner of O'Hara and Thackery, University of Pittsburgh
9/30/2004 7:30 PM
K'vetsh, an all-queer, all-gender open mic cabaret
Modern Formations Gallery, 4919 Penn Ave. (Garfield)
10/1/2004 7:00 PM
"Art, Dreams and Psychoanalysis," a Free Public Lecture
Society for Contemporary Craft, 2100 Smallman Street (Strip District)
10/1/2004 7:00 PM
Screening of "Uncovered: The War on Iraq" (October 1-7)
Harris Theatre, 809 Liberty Ave. (downtown)
10/1/2004 7:30 PM
"Living in Harmony," A Mindfulnes Retreat in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh
Franciscan Spirit & Life Center, 3605 McRoberts Road (South Hills)
10/2/2004 9:00 AM
Underground Action Alliance Students' Rights Workshop
125C Porter Hall, Carnegie Mellon University
10/2/2004 10:00 AM
"How Dreams and Art Relate," a Public Workshop
Society for Contemporary Craft, 2100 Smallman Street (Strip District)
10/2/2004 11:00 AM
PUSH: PA. United for Single-payer Healthcare meets
United Steelworkers, Blvd. of Allies & Stanwix St.
10/2/2004 12:00 PM
Regent Square Peace Vigil
corner of Forbes and Braddock
10/2/2004 12:00 PM
OohMahNee Animal Sanctuary Tours
OohMahNee Animal Sanctuary (New Stanton exit of the Turnpike)
10/2/2004 12:00 PM
Beaver County Peace Links Weekly Saturday Peace Vigil
Beaver County Courthouse, 3rd Street (Beaver)
10/2/2004 12:00 PM
Alternative to Warfare Vigil
Unitarian Church, North Ave and Resaca (Northside)
10/2/2004 1:00 PM
Black Voices for Peace Anti-War Protest
Corner of Penn and Highland in East Liberty
10/3/2004 12:00 AM
Affordable Health Care for All Week
national campaign, local actions
10/3/2004 4:00 PM
TMC Anti-War Committee Meeting
Thomas Merton Center, 5125 Penn Ave. (Garfield)
10/3/2004 6:30 PM
"Keep Space for Peace Week" video showing
Bliss Cafe, 7332 Penn Ave.
Thomas Merton Center
5125 Penn Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15224
412-361-3022412-361-0540 (fax)
Serving the peace and justice community since 1972
28 September 2004
from the desk of Andrew Rind
Please find the attached flyers for the Hispanic Center’s Workforce Solutions training program, which is sponsored by the Pittsburgh Foundation, Citizens Bank, Mellon, PNC Bank and National City.
Interested students please call the Hispanic Center at the following numbers: Toll free 1-866-772-8379 or 412-237-3189
Andrew S. Rind
The Hispanic Center, Inc.
800 Allegheny Ave, Suite 127
Pittsburgh, PA 15233
Fax: 412-237-3195
en Espanol y Ingles
El Centro Hispano, Inc.
Entrenamiento Gratuito en Servicios de Finanzas
Empiece una carrera profesional en un banco local como: National City, PNC Bank, Mellon y Citizens Bank:
· Mejore sus habilidades en ingles de comercio, computación y entrada de datos.
· Complete el entrenamiento en 8 semanas.
· Reciba asistencia para preparar su currículo, sus entrevistas, y para su búsqueda de empleo.
Escoja una sesión de información:
Fecha: 10/7/04 Hora 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
10/8/04 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
10/12/04 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Semana de entrenamiento: Octubre 18th
Llame el Centro Hispano para registrarse:
1-866-772-8379 o 412-237-3189
Oficina para el entrenamiento: Goodwill Industries of Pittsburgh,
Robert Foltz Building, 5th Floor
2600 East Carson Street Pittsburgh, PA 15219
The Hispanic Center, Inc.
Free Training for Financial Services
Entrenamieto Gratuito en Servicios de Finanzas
Start a professional career with local banks National City, PNC Bank, Mellon and Citizens Bank:
Improve your business English, computer and keyboarding skills
Complete training in 8 weeks
Graduates receive job placement support, resume and interview preparation
Choose an orientation time
Date: 10/7/04 Time 10:00AM- 11:00 AM
10/8/04 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
10/12/04 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Classes Start: October 18th
Please Call The Hispanic Center to reserve a space:
1-866-772-8379 or 412-237-3189
Orientation Location: Goodwill Industries of Pittsburgh,
Robert oltz Building, 5th Floor
2600 East Carson Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
27 September 2004
from the Desk of Scott Albert
Just wanted to drop everyone a line and let you know that there are still
plenty of seats available in October's Computer Classes.
If you know anyone who is interested, have them give me a call at 412-255-1163.
The schedule for October looks like this:
- Computer Basics - Mondays - Free
- PowerPoint - Tuesdays - $50 ($25 for job seekers)
- Word -Wednesdays - $50 ($25 for job seekers)
- Excel - Thursdays - $50 ($25 for job seekers)
- Access - Wed/Thur Evenings - $50 ($25 for job seekers)
Thanks, Scott A. Albert
Senior Training Specialist
YWCA of Greater Pittsburgh
305 Wood Street
Pittsburgh, Pa 15222
(this is a great opportunity please notify Scott if you're interested...jim)
this week: from the Thomas Merton Center
Andy Warhol Museum Showing of Images of Abu Ghraib Prison
Andy Warhol Museum, 117 Sandusky Street (North Side)
9/27/2004 1:00 PM
Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission Meeting in Pittsburgh!
Pittsburgh Hilton & Towers, 600 Commonwealth Place, Gateway Center (downtown)
9/27/2004 7:00 PM
T'ai Chi: Mondays
Kearns Spirituality Center 9000 Babcock Blvd. (Allison Park)
9/27/2004 7:00 PM
Pittsburgh Interfaith Impact Network Education Task Force meeting
Friends Meeting House, 4863 Ellsworth Ave. (Shadyside)
9/27/2004 7:00 PM
Thomas Merton Center Board Meeting (all TMC members welcome)
Thomas Merton Center, 5125 Penn Ave. (Garfield)
9/27/2004 8:30 PM
Students in Solidarity meeting
William Pitt Union Room 540, corner of Fifth and Bigelow (Oakland)
9/28/2004 6:00 PM
Citizens Police Review Board Meeting
City Council Chambers, 510 City County Building, Forbes & Grant St. (downtown)
9/28/2004 7:00 PM
Labyrinth Walk
Kearns Spirituality Center 9000 Babcock Blvd. (Allison Park)
9/28/2004 7:00 PM
"Keep Space for Peace" video showing (with Anne Feeney)
Bliss Cafe, 7332 Penn Ave.
9/28/2004 7:30 PM
Pittsburgh Interfaith Impact Network's Regional Equity Task Force meeting
Allegheny UU Church, North Ave. and Resaca Place (North Side)
9/28/2004 7:30 PM
Suffi Performance "Whirling Dervishes of Rumi"
Carnegie Music Hall
9/28/2004 7:30 PM
"Mumia Abu-Jamal: A Journalist's Struggle Against Political Persecution and the Death Penalty," a discussion with Robert R. Bryan
Baker Hall 136A (Adamson Wing), Carnegie Mellon University
9/28/2004 10:00 PM
"Lost Boys of Sudan"
9/29/2004 12:00 AM
"Les Liaisons Dangereuses"
Pgh. Playhouse
9/29/2004 5:00 PM
Interfaith Listening Team - dinner with Pgh Presbytery Peacemaking Ministry and Taize Service
East Liberty Presbyterian Church, corner of Highland & Penn Ave (East Liberty)
9/29/2004 6:00 PM
PUSH Political Action Committee Meeting
Scott Tyson's office, 5676 Steubenville Pike (Robinson)
9/29/2004 6:30 PM
"Keep Space for Peace Week" video showing
The Quiet Storm, 5430 Penn Ave. (Garfield/Friendship)
9/29/2004 7:00 PM
A Service of Healing & Wholeness
Franciscan Spirit & Life Center, 3605 McRobeerts Rd.
9/29/2004 7:00 PM
2004 Banned Books Reading
Carnegie Library Lecture Hall, 4400 Forbes Ave. (Oakland)
9/29/2004 7:30 PM
Dave Robinson on "Faith, Peace, and Politics"
Seton Hill University, Lynch Hall 101
9/30/2004 6:30 PM
"How a City-County Merger Can Work," with Louisville Mayor Jerry Abramson
Heinz History Center (Strip District)
9/30/2004 6:30 PM
"Global Population and Environment" Town Meeting
Benedum Hall, Engineering Auditorium, corner of O'Hara and Thackery, University of Pittsburgh
9/30/2004 7:30 PM
K'vetsh, an all-queer, all-gender open mic cabaret
Modern Formations Gallery, 4919 Penn Ave. (Garfield)
10/1/2004 7:00 PM
"Art, Dreams and Psychoanalysis," a Free Public Lecture
Society for Contemporary Craft, 2100 Smallman Street (Strip District)
10/1/2004 7:00 PM
Screening of "Uncovered: The War on Iraq" (October 1-7)
Harris Theatre, 809 Liberty Ave. (downtown)
10/1/2004 7:30 PM
"Living in Harmony," A Mindfulnes Retreat in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh
Franciscan Spirit & Life Center, 3605 McRoberts Road (South Hills)
monday sampler
Mubarak S. Dahir, AlterNet
A homeless man in Texas exemplifies why gay marriage is acivil rights issue.
David Cole, The Nation
With the latest Detroit convictions overturned, Ashcroft hasnot convicted a single person of terrorism since 9/11.
Designing Women
Sandy Kobrin, Women's eNews The fastest-growing segment of the entertainment industry, video gaming, is dominated by men. Can Lara Croft save us?
The Perils of Speaking Out
by Kay Guinane.
Increasingly, partisan political considerations are taking precedence over free speech and equal treatment when it comes to a range of nonprofit activities, prompting nonprofits to fight back.
TITLE: FAST Data Search(TM) -
Site Search Opens the Door to the Customer
DESCRIPTION: This white paper discusses the business reasons for effective site search, and the factors that Butler Group believes are key to such effectiveness, both physically and in the perceptions of users.
PUBLISHER: Fast Search & Transfer Inc.
Martha Lynn, AlterNet
Robert Greenwald's new movie, 'Unconstitutional,' sheds some needed light on the law that went out of control.
Mike Davis,
The onset of Hurricane Ivan demonstrated that little progress has been made toward addressing racial inequalities in Louisiana.
In some respects, the spate of suicides at NYU mirrors
what's happening nationwide. By Cristi Hegranes
In Albany County, little-known lawyer David Soares triumphed over District Attorney Paul Clyne by pounding away at a single message:
Democrats should vote out Clyne because he does not support reforming the state's harsh drug laws. By Jennifer Gonnerman
A former hotel with historic associations now attracts
therapists and bodyworkers.
By Elizabeth Zimmer.
Whoever wins in November, Republican looks swept
the Fashion Week runways; Lynn Yaeger reports on the New York collections.
Katha Pollitt, The Nation
Misguided youth or hardened criminals? A Fox affiliate in Arizona covered out-of-state student registration as a criminal act despite its complete legality.
TITLE: Growing Your Business:
Resources That Can Help You Get Ahead and Stay ahead of the Game
DESCRIPTION: Learn about small business center marketing resources to help you get ahead and stay ahead in the game.
PUBLISHER: Microsoft
TITLE: Getting Organized: Resources to Help You Take Full Advantage of Your Technology
DESCRIPTION: Learn to use technology you already have to grow your business.
PUBLISHER: Microsoft
TITLE: Working Together: Resources to Help You Connect with Customers, Employees, and Information
DESCRIPTION: Learn about small business center resources to help you connect with customers, employees, and information.
PUBLISHER: Microsoft
School Daze in our Region
The Academy was established in 1982 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as a healthy alternative to the institutionalization of court-adjudicated male and female youth of Allegheny County. The Academy’s Day/Evening Program nurtures
proper personal growth, of which their delinquent students had been previously deprived, through the instruction of academic subjects and industrial trade skills, involvement in athletics, and counseling in group and one-to-one settings.Bidwell Training Center's vision is to respond to employment markets in southwestern Pennsylvania by offering programs providing career paths and opportunities in the high-tech, culinary and medical fields. Bidwell believes that education offered in an intelligent, planned and financially sound manner will bear real results for our students and the entire community. For more information, call (412) 323-4000 or toll free 1-800-516-1800 or E-mail us at Lost your job? Trying to change career paths?
History of the AIU...About AIU3
The Allegheny Intermediate Unit, one of 29 intermediate units created by the Pennsylvania state legislature in 1970, supports and assists local school districts in providing educational opportunities that support schools, families and communities. Servicing 42 school districts in Allegheny County, more than any other IU in the state. With over one hundred thirty programs, the AIU has assembled a highly diversified, competent staff and a well-established network of resources.Pittsburgh Public Schools...Every City residence is assigned to a
school attendance area within one of three geographic areas, as listed on the following page. Students are assigned to schools as close to their homes as possible, with respect for space and maintaining diversity in student enrollment. Magnet schools and programs provide opportunities to achieve racial balance through voluntary enrollment. Admission to magnets is based on the availability of space and racial balance, as well as the individual needs and interests of the students who apply.
GED: Adult participation Barriers ...
(..1998 federal study answers the question regarding people who choose/not choose to enter GED study courses...jim
Here is a good resource for GED Classes that serve students who cannot attend class regularly due to work, childcare, etc. It is an online course, so potential students will have to have internet access. Instructor interaction is of course necessary.
(from the desk of Mr. Albert...)The site is: This is a free online service which instructors can use to access other teacher's lessons. More importantly, any teacher can develop his/her own classroom and post his/her own lessons. The site provides easy to use forms for creating multiple choice, fill in the blank or short answer quizzes. You can also link other useful websites to your own lessons. There is a link which instructors can use to take a tour of the website. If anyone is interested in seeing how this works, feel free to log into my classroom. (contact mr albert for info ... jim)
JoAnn Rizzo of the Greater Pittsburgh Literacy Council turned me on to this site a few years back...I have been using it ever since. I have some students who have not been in my class for months who still access the site and complete lessons/quizzes.
(all for the moment...jim)
be here-Now!

into the Gaping Void
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09/26 - 10/03
- no bumper stickers, just VOTE!
- local assessment of care and services for homeles...
- swept under the rug...
- for shelter from the Storm
- Vietnam Veterans Leadership Program
- Healthy Start Inc. Pittsburgh
- City of Pittsburgh Housing Authority
- state of the homeless in the 'Burgh
- more this week from Thomas Merton Center
- from the desk of Andrew Rind
- from the Desk of Scott Albert
- this week: from the Thomas Merton Center
- monday sampler
- School Daze in our Region
- ► 09/19 - 09/26 (15)
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