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community Service means Business!
18 April 2008
Congress Quietly Repeals Martial Law Provision
35 Top Jobs- CNN- Money.Com
A new list of "The Best Jobs in America"— created by magazine — aims to connect job seekers to the best employment opportunities in America. Most, if not all, all of these careers require applicants to have bachelor's degree or more.
The original list features 50 jobs, we published the top 35 occupations that may be best suited for military servicemembers and veterans, their annual salaries and degree requirements. Take a look at the list and see where your job — or prospective job — places.
Here is CNNMoney's/Money magazine's list:
1. Software engineer: Bachelor's degree $80,427
2. College professor: Master's Degree or Doctorate, $81,491
3. Financial advisor: Bachelor's degree $122,462
4. Human resources manager: Bachelor's or Master's degree $73,731
5. Physician assistant: Bachelor's or Associate's degree $75,117
6. Market research analyst: Bachelor's $82,317
7. Computer/IT analyst: Bachelor's $83,427
8. Real estate appraiser: Associate's or Bachelor's $66,216
9. Pharmacist: Bachelor's or Master's $91,998
10. Psychologist: Medical degree $66,049
11. Advertising manager: Bachelor's or Master's $107,049
12. Physical therapist: Bachelor's or Master's $54,883
13. Technical writer: Bachelor's or Master's $57,841
14. Chiropractor: Associate's, Bachelor's or Master's $84,996
15. Medical scientist: Medical degree $70,053
16. Physical scientist: Master's or Doctorate $80,213
17. Engineer: Bachelor's or Master's $76,100
18. Curriculum developer: Bachelor's or Master's $55,793
19. Editor: Bachelor's or Master's $78,242
20. Public relations specialist: Bachelor's or Master's $84,567
21. Sales manager: Bachelor's or Master's,$135,903
22. Optometrist: Medical degree $93,670
23. Property manager: Associate's or Bachelor's $78,375
24. Actuary: Bachelor's or Master's $81,509
25. Writer: Bachelor's $60,519
26. Social service manager: Bachelor's or Master's $74,584
27. Paralegal: Bachelor's $61,204
28. Health services manager: Bachelor's or Master's $92,211
29. Advertising sales agent: Bachelor's or Master's $247,536
30. Physician/Surgeon: Medical degree $247,536
31. Management analyst: Bachelor's or Master's $63,426
32. Occupational therapist: Bachelor's or Master's $51,973
33. Mental health counselor: Master's or Medical degree $53,150
34. Landscape architect: Associate's, Bachelor's or Master's $50,383
35. Biotechnology research scientist: Master's of Doctorate $66,393
j reid
17 April 2008
SCOTLAND: Teenagers 'live in fear' of crime
Why Is College Tuition Subsidized, While K-12 Is Not?
City Room: A Shelter for Young Lives in Limbo
Pittsburghs Signs Pictures Wanted
A few years ago, on Penn Ave, just after you crossed Negly as you drive toward town there used to be this awesome Atari sign painted on the side of the building. It was by far a favorite of mine and one day it was gone before I could get a picture.
Thankfully there are some great people in the area that love signs more that I do and they have been collecting pictures of Pittsburgh signs for a few years now. The Pittsburgh Signs Project just might be one of the coolest websites in town. I think it is a great intersection of art, photography, history and technology all rolled into one interesting website.
To celebrate Pittsburgh's 250th Birthday the Pittsburgh Signs Project is publishing a book of these pictures and they are looking for your pictures too. They are looking for pictures of signs from the 14 counties that make up Western, PA and everyone is invited to submit 5 of their photographs. More Info at
The Pittsburgh Signs Project invites photographers of all levels from the 14 counties of southwestern Pennsylvania to submit up to five images for possible inclusion in Pittsburgh Signs: 250, a full-color book showcasing images of signs, past and present. Counties represented may be: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Bedford, Butler, Cambria, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Lawrence, Mercer, Somerset, Washington, Westmoreland. (more…)
Iraq Cracks Down on Seat Belt Scofflaws
Following in the Footsteps of Chase, Citibank Stops Lending to Certain Colleges
Stuffed and Starved: "The Hidden Battle for the World Food System"
If you imagine a sort of hourglass, at the top there are the millions of farmers who grow the food that we eat, and at the bottom there are billions of us consumers, and in the middle there are just a handful of corporations that mediate between the people who grow our food and us. And those corporations, in many cases-it's usually four corporations controlling more than 50 percent of the market. I mean, in tea, for example, one company, Unilever, controls 90 percent of the market.
AT&T Commits $100 Million to Dropout Prevention
Witnesses Say Congress Must Act to End Slavery in Tomato Fields
A Senate hearing on Capitol Hill Monday highlighted the slave-like working conditions of workers in U.S. tomato fields and the need for the Bush administration to step in and ensure that tomato pickers and other migrant workers do not endure 21st century slavery.
Testifying before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, Charlie Frost, a detective with the anti-trafficking unit of the Collier County police in Naples, Fla., said slavery in the Sunshine...
16 April 2008
One million high school dropouts in U.S. each year
"When more than one million students a year drop out of high school, it's more than a problem, it's a catastrophe," retired General Colin Powell, founder of America's Promise Alliance. Nearly half of all Black and Native American students are expected not to graduate with their classes, while less than six in 10 Hispanic students will.
Boston-Area Seniors Share College Rejection Letters
Times are tough for high school seniors who are waiting to hear from their first-choice colleges. Schools report record numbers of applicants and rejections. At Newton South High School in suburban Boston, rejected seniors are sharing their misery by posting their rejection letters on a "Wall of Shame."
14 April 2008
PittsburghToday: Employment picture negative
April 14, 2008
Employment picture negative
Pittsburgh’s not seasonlly adjusted unemployment rate increased to 5.7 percent in February, according to the latest figures. Only Detroit, St. Louis and Cleveland recorded higher February rates. The increase was the product of a slight increase in the size of the labor force, up 2,226, and an increase of 10,928 in the number of unemployed versus February 2007. Annual numbers for 2007 are not yet available...MORE
13 April 2008
U.S. Citizens Twice as Likely to Land in NJ Prisons.
by Brian Donohue/The Star-Ledger
Saturday April 12, 2008, 9:33 PM
U.S. citizens are twice as likely to land in New Jersey's prisons as legal and illegal immigrants, according to new data that counter some of the most widely perceived notions about the link between immigration and crime.
"When you look at incarceration rates (New Jersey), you find immigrants much less likely than the native born to be incarcerated," Piehl added. "Once you control for the fact that immigrants are generally younger and less educated, then the data you find is even more surprising."
Advocates of tougher enforcement say the numbers do nothing to lessen the need to crack down on immigrants who commit crimes, including using local police to do it. MORE
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04/13 - 04/20
- Congress Quietly Repeals Martial Law Provision
- neo-Me-o
- Deal or No Deal?
- 35 Top Jobs- CNN- Money.Com
- the Roots of Race Consciousness
- SCOTLAND: Teenagers 'live in fear' of crime
- Why Is College Tuition Subsidized, While K-12 Is Not?
- City Room: A Shelter for Young Lives in Limbo
- Pittsburghs Signs Pictures Wanted
- Iraq Cracks Down on Seat Belt Scofflaws
- Following in the Footsteps of Chase, Citibank Stop...
- Stuffed and Starved: "The Hidden Battle for the Wo...
- AT&T Commits $100 Million to Dropout Prevention
- Witnesses Say Congress Must Act to End Slavery in ...
- One million high school dropouts in U.S. each year
- Boston-Area Seniors Share College Rejection Letters
- Daily Bread
- PittsburghToday: Employment picture negative
- U.S. Citizens Twice as Likely to Land in NJ Prisons.
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