MSNBC - Bam! Diving pelicans plague Arizona streets
More than 30 endangered brown pelicans have crashed onto sidewalks and roads in Arizona, mistaking the heat-induced shimmer of the paved surface for lakes and creeks.(more)
community Service means Business!
10 July 2004
9 July 2004
reference list
Dictionaries - English Language
Translator (Universal)
Language Identifier
Currency Converters
Stocks and Corporate Information
U.S. Streets
WebMasterEngine.Com - A Comprehensive Webmaster resource aiming to list links to everything a webmaster could need.
Dictionaries - English Language
DICT Online(English/8 Dictionaries)
Merriam Webster
The Word Spy (new words)
FOLDOC (Computing terms)
Rhyme Zone
CMU Pronouncing Dictionary
Elements of Style
The Tongue Untied
Merriam Webster
Translator (Universal)
Language Identifier
Internet Anagram Serve
Anagram Genius
Acronym Finder
Acronym Search
Acronym Server
Quotable online
The Quotations Page
Biographical Dictionary
CIA - The World Factbook 2002
Information Please
Currency Converters
Stocks and Corporate Information
Hoover's Online
A searchable database of company profiles and corporate information.
Corporate Information
A great resource for national and international corporate research information (100,000 company profiles worldwide). U.S. News & World Report agrees: "Good starting point to find corporate information from around the world."
European Governments on the WWW
links to all official European government sites. Unlike other directories, this site tells you the number of pages at each site, and when it was last updated. Stocks & News
U.S. Census Bureau
United States Color Landform Atlas of the United States
Zoomable U.S. Map with Overlays
U.S. Streets
Maps On Us
Yahoo! Maps
Earth and Moon Viewer
Earthquake Hazards Program
Perry-Casteneda Map Collection
Historical Maps of the U.S.
International Boundary News Database
The International Boundaries Research Unit (IBRU) at the University of Durham `maintains the International Boundary News Database, which consists of more than 10,000 documents related to international boundaries.
Map & Atlas Page
WebMasterEngine.Com - A Comprehensive Webmaster resource aiming to list links to everything a webmaster could need.
Nonprofit Online News$4935$4935
"When people who care about nonprofits get together and talk shop, they often spend time lamenting the disadvantages of working in a field defined by negations. And just as often, these conversations come to no very satisfying conclusion."
"Nonprofit people are right to chafe at this unfortunate feature of American's everyday speech. Unsophisticated board members worry about whether it is ok for a nonprofit organization to have a surplus of revenues over expenditures. They say they are concerned that such a "profit" might deny the organization nonprofit status."
WIRED- Culture Club
it's a wired, wired, wired, wired World
Space Artistry in Bloom
02:00 AM Jul. 09, 2004 PT Artist Martin Naroznik has a vision to boldly grow where no one has grown before, and NASA finds it fascinating. By Mark Baard.
Dirty Word Filters Prove Costly
02:00 AM Jul. 09, 2004 PT Preventing disc jockeys and callers from uttering dirty words on the air doesn't come cheap for small stations. But companies that sell technology to delay broadcasts for a few seconds are doing very well indeed. By Randy Dotinga.
Winwood: Roll With P2P, Baby
02:00 AM Jul. 09, 2004 PT Grammy-winning rocker Steve Winwood took an unusual step to promote his latest album when he voluntarily released a song over peer-to-peer networks. So far, the experiment has enhanced record sales. By Katie Dean.
Bloggers Suffer Burnout
02:00 AM Jul. 08, 2004 PT Authors of some of the most popular political and general-interest weblogs are calling it quits or scaling back their sites, claiming that the pressure to post or moderate reader feedback is too much to handle. By Daniel Terdiman.
Single Post Wins Google Contest
02:00 AM Jul. 08, 2004 PT A blogger comes out the victor in a contest to garner the top Google ranking for the term "nigritude ultramarine." His strategy: one blog entry asking readers to link the term to his site. By Daniel Terdiman.
The House That Music Fans Built
02:00 AM Jul. 07, 2004 PT Gracenote, maker of the leading tool for identifying music tracks, has become a powerhouse in the digital music biz and is building its reach in consumer electronics. The firm's humble origins, however, began with the sweat of music fans worldwide. By Katie Dean.
Superhero Game Is Super Blah
02:00 AM Jul. 07, 2004 PT Activision's Spider-Man 2 game tries to capitalize on the popularity of both the movie and the previous games in the series. Unfortunately, at best it's uninspired, and at worst it's too buggy to play. By Lore Sjöberg.
John Kerry and the Lost Kos
02:00 AM Jul. 07, 2004 PT Blogs like the Daily Kos represent free speech in excelsis. Or do they? If a blogger accepts advertising or maintains ties to institutions -- like, say, the Democratic Party -- then the freedom to say whatever you like can be sharply curtailed. Commentary by Adam L. Penenberg.
A Wretched Hive of Fan Films
02:00 AM Jul. 06, 2004 PT Star Wars fans armed with camcorders are preparing entries for the 2004 George Lucas Selects Award. Some of the short tribute films need a bit more work, but others are -- as Darth Vader might say -- impressive, most impressive. By Jason Silverman.
A Terrible Thing to Waste a Mind
02:00 AM Jul. 06, 2004 PT In Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy, you control a special agent who uses telekinetic powers to kill soldiers with the power of his mind alone. Unfortunately, your own brain won't get nearly as much of a workout. By Chris Kohler.
Software Makes a Tiger of Panther
02:00 AM Jul. 06, 2004 PT Apple won't add nifty features like systemwide search to Mac OS X until 2005. But who needs the newest version of its operating system when we've got third-party software that transforms Panther into Tiger? By Chris Oakes.
Violent Video Games Under Attack
01:14 PM Jul. 04, 2004 PT Legislators and activists who want some titles kept out of kids' hands are on the warpath again against the video-game industry. Game makers, however, seem to thumb their noses and amp up the virtual gore.
Space Artistry in Bloom
02:00 AM Jul. 09, 2004 PT Artist Martin Naroznik has a vision to boldly grow where no one has grown before, and NASA finds it fascinating. By Mark Baard.
Dirty Word Filters Prove Costly
02:00 AM Jul. 09, 2004 PT Preventing disc jockeys and callers from uttering dirty words on the air doesn't come cheap for small stations. But companies that sell technology to delay broadcasts for a few seconds are doing very well indeed. By Randy Dotinga.
Winwood: Roll With P2P, Baby
02:00 AM Jul. 09, 2004 PT Grammy-winning rocker Steve Winwood took an unusual step to promote his latest album when he voluntarily released a song over peer-to-peer networks. So far, the experiment has enhanced record sales. By Katie Dean.
Bloggers Suffer Burnout
02:00 AM Jul. 08, 2004 PT Authors of some of the most popular political and general-interest weblogs are calling it quits or scaling back their sites, claiming that the pressure to post or moderate reader feedback is too much to handle. By Daniel Terdiman.
Single Post Wins Google Contest
02:00 AM Jul. 08, 2004 PT A blogger comes out the victor in a contest to garner the top Google ranking for the term "nigritude ultramarine." His strategy: one blog entry asking readers to link the term to his site. By Daniel Terdiman.
The House That Music Fans Built
02:00 AM Jul. 07, 2004 PT Gracenote, maker of the leading tool for identifying music tracks, has become a powerhouse in the digital music biz and is building its reach in consumer electronics. The firm's humble origins, however, began with the sweat of music fans worldwide. By Katie Dean.
Superhero Game Is Super Blah
02:00 AM Jul. 07, 2004 PT Activision's Spider-Man 2 game tries to capitalize on the popularity of both the movie and the previous games in the series. Unfortunately, at best it's uninspired, and at worst it's too buggy to play. By Lore Sjöberg.
John Kerry and the Lost Kos
02:00 AM Jul. 07, 2004 PT Blogs like the Daily Kos represent free speech in excelsis. Or do they? If a blogger accepts advertising or maintains ties to institutions -- like, say, the Democratic Party -- then the freedom to say whatever you like can be sharply curtailed. Commentary by Adam L. Penenberg.
A Wretched Hive of Fan Films
02:00 AM Jul. 06, 2004 PT Star Wars fans armed with camcorders are preparing entries for the 2004 George Lucas Selects Award. Some of the short tribute films need a bit more work, but others are -- as Darth Vader might say -- impressive, most impressive. By Jason Silverman.
A Terrible Thing to Waste a Mind
02:00 AM Jul. 06, 2004 PT In Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy, you control a special agent who uses telekinetic powers to kill soldiers with the power of his mind alone. Unfortunately, your own brain won't get nearly as much of a workout. By Chris Kohler.
Software Makes a Tiger of Panther
02:00 AM Jul. 06, 2004 PT Apple won't add nifty features like systemwide search to Mac OS X until 2005. But who needs the newest version of its operating system when we've got third-party software that transforms Panther into Tiger? By Chris Oakes.
Violent Video Games Under Attack
01:14 PM Jul. 04, 2004 PT Legislators and activists who want some titles kept out of kids' hands are on the warpath again against the video-game industry. Game makers, however, seem to thumb their noses and amp up the virtual gore.
please kids, don't try this at home
The Morning News - The Non-Expert: Removing
The Non-Expert: Removing
"Experts answer what they know. The Non-Expert answers anything. This week Andrew Womack shows the proper way to dispose of a trashcan, then explains how to remove food smells that repel your significant other.
Have a question? Need some advice? Ignored by everyone else? Send your questions via email. The Non-Expert’s Desk handles all subjects and is updated every Friday, and is written by a member of The Morning News staff.
Question: One of the garbage cans at my apartment building—a big one that you put the trash out in, not one of those small inside garbage cans—is cracked and falling apart. I would like to replace it with a brand new garbage can but I’m not sure how to throw out the old garbage can once i have the new one. How do you throw out a garbage can? Just thinking about it plunges me into the depths of some sort of existential crisis. Help!—Anonymous
The Non-Expert: Removing
"Experts answer what they know. The Non-Expert answers anything. This week Andrew Womack shows the proper way to dispose of a trashcan, then explains how to remove food smells that repel your significant other.
Have a question? Need some advice? Ignored by everyone else? Send your questions via email. The Non-Expert’s Desk handles all subjects and is updated every Friday, and is written by a member of The Morning News staff.
Question: One of the garbage cans at my apartment building—a big one that you put the trash out in, not one of those small inside garbage cans—is cracked and falling apart. I would like to replace it with a brand new garbage can but I’m not sure how to throw out the old garbage can once i have the new one. How do you throw out a garbage can? Just thinking about it plunges me into the depths of some sort of existential crisis. Help!—Anonymous
and now, for a little brand spanking.
BBC NEWS | Politics | Peers back 'moderate' smacking
The change to the Children Bill outlaws smacking in England and Wales if it causes harm such as bruises, reddening of the skin or mental harm.
But peers rejected calls for a complete ban on smacking of children, which had been opposed by the government. (more)
The change to the Children Bill outlaws smacking in England and Wales if it causes harm such as bruises, reddening of the skin or mental harm.
But peers rejected calls for a complete ban on smacking of children, which had been opposed by the government. (more)
NEWS from Mark Rauterkus---------------------------
This weekend, our out-of-town RUNNING MATE magnet is MINDY SIMMONS. Mindy is from Florida and visits Pittsburgh to present three concerts. You are invited to any and all of them.
6 pm, Friday, July 9, Club Cafe (South Side, 12th Street).
Adults only (21 & over)
$5 cover
Theme: This IS America
8 pm, Saturday, July 10, lawn concert on the Green Tree Swim Pool.
This is community movie night, (flick at 9 pm). Thanks Rotary. Kid's and parents welcome. Swimming, throughout, of course.
10:30 am, Sunday service, intergenerational concert, UU Church of the South Hills, http://Sunnyhill.Org. Topic: Consider the Source.
Background: http://S6.CLOH.Org
S6 = Sports, Spirit & Soul Song and Story Summit. The spirits are at the night club, Club Cafe (over 21). The sports occurs on Saturday at the swim pool. Sunday service covers the soulful elements.
Mindy Simmons:
Mindy is a church-camp friend, singer, songwriter, recording artist, and Floridian with wit. Mindy travels, sings, plays guitar. I know you'll be impressed with her performances.
Closing INVITE: A blog feature at allows for your feedback and comments on various issues. I'd love for you to share your ideas and perspectives, i.e., We-HAV, Gambling, Act 47, etc. So, hope to see you at a concert, and at the blog.
Thanks for the consideration.
Mark Rauterkus http://Play.CLOH.Org http://CLOH.Org
412-298-3432 = cell
This weekend, our out-of-town RUNNING MATE magnet is MINDY SIMMONS. Mindy is from Florida and visits Pittsburgh to present three concerts. You are invited to any and all of them.
6 pm, Friday, July 9, Club Cafe (South Side, 12th Street).
Adults only (21 & over)
$5 cover
Theme: This IS America
8 pm, Saturday, July 10, lawn concert on the Green Tree Swim Pool.
This is community movie night, (flick at 9 pm). Thanks Rotary. Kid's and parents welcome. Swimming, throughout, of course.
10:30 am, Sunday service, intergenerational concert, UU Church of the South Hills, http://Sunnyhill.Org. Topic: Consider the Source.
Background: http://S6.CLOH.Org
S6 = Sports, Spirit & Soul Song and Story Summit. The spirits are at the night club, Club Cafe (over 21). The sports occurs on Saturday at the swim pool. Sunday service covers the soulful elements.
Mindy Simmons:
Mindy is a church-camp friend, singer, songwriter, recording artist, and Floridian with wit. Mindy travels, sings, plays guitar. I know you'll be impressed with her performances.
Closing INVITE: A blog feature at allows for your feedback and comments on various issues. I'd love for you to share your ideas and perspectives, i.e., We-HAV, Gambling, Act 47, etc. So, hope to see you at a concert, and at the blog.
Thanks for the consideration.
Mark Rauterkus http://Play.CLOH.Org http://CLOH.Org
412-298-3432 = cell
I'm smart enough, i'm good enough and dog'gon it; i'm gonna get me a job today!
Self-Defeating Attitudes Will Stop Your Job Search Cold
“I just feel my life has been a total waste, and I have no sense of direction. Some days it's just damn hard to keep fighting and trying to make something of myself and actually find a job where my degree comes in handy.”
“I just feel my life has been a total waste, and I have no sense of direction. Some days it's just damn hard to keep fighting and trying to make something of myself and actually find a job where my degree comes in handy.”
8 July 2004
just returned from the New Century Careers Open House. the new facility is located in the Pittsburgh Terminal Buildings along Carson Street between 3rd and 4th Streets.
This was a good opportunity to review the program and tour the rehab taking place within the historic Terminal Bldg.
thanks to all in the service community who came to provide support and gain a better perspective on the mission of New Century Careers.
See photos of the tour.(above)
This was a good opportunity to review the program and tour the rehab taking place within the historic Terminal Bldg.
thanks to all in the service community who came to provide support and gain a better perspective on the mission of New Century Careers.
See photos of the tour.(above)
Open House at New Century Careers - Pittsburgh
New Century Careers | Building Successful Careers and Manufacturing Companies Throughout Southwestern Pennsylvania
Today I'll be visiting the new home of the program and posting a few photos of the renovated facility! j.
Today I'll be visiting the new home of the program and posting a few photos of the renovated facility! j.
"Contrary to common beliefs, manufacturing is the second-largest source of employment in the 13-county southwestern Pennsylvania region. The region’s 170,000 manufacturing jobs at 4,000 manufacturing companies account for 15 percent of regional employment. The average annual salary in Southwestern PA’s manufacturing industry is $42,000. That’s more than 50 percent higher than the average annual wage in the services sector!
To prepare yourself for a machining or welding career with good wages, benefits and personal satisfaction, enroll today for courses offered through New Century." Careers.
Pittsburgh Transportation Equity Project
Pittsburgh Transportation Equity Project
Please extend your support to PTEP and the Youth Policy Institute.
PTEP is established to, "review the current transportation inequity issues within a community and educate the community members about major initiatives that will directly and indirectly impact them. (i.e. affordable transportation inequities, environmental transportation concerns, economic disparity, diversity and inclusion in the decision-making process.) "
YPI was developed, "...because of the disparity gap of African Americans understanding of the legislative process. The need to educate African Americans on the importance of making change in the community through a legislative process was quite visible. PTEP’s target communities had 30% or lower voter turn out in the last election." (more)
Address: 1901-15 Centre Ave
Suite 202
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Phone: 412.325.1616
Fax: 412.261.5514
Please extend your support to PTEP and the Youth Policy Institute.
PTEP is established to, "review the current transportation inequity issues within a community and educate the community members about major initiatives that will directly and indirectly impact them. (i.e. affordable transportation inequities, environmental transportation concerns, economic disparity, diversity and inclusion in the decision-making process.) "
YPI was developed, "...because of the disparity gap of African Americans understanding of the legislative process. The need to educate African Americans on the importance of making change in the community through a legislative process was quite visible. PTEP’s target communities had 30% or lower voter turn out in the last election." (more)
Address: 1901-15 Centre Ave
Suite 202
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Phone: 412.325.1616
Fax: 412.261.5514
chicken of the sea?
DailyOM - Thalassotherapy
July 8, 2004
Finding Rejuvenation In The Sea
Through history, the sea has captivated people's psyches. Like a loving parent, it grants its bounty of nourishment and healing. The father of medicine, Hippocrates, discovered the profound therapeutic effects that seawater had on the injured hands of fishermen. As the years passed, that discovery grew into thalassotherapy...(more)
Japanese Phrase of the Day
Inu ni esa o yaru.
Feed the dog.
Vocabulary / Expressions
inu = dog
esa= feed
yaru= to give
Notes: "O" is a particle which marks an object. "Ni" marks an indirect object.
Now, go feed the dog!
July 8, 2004
Finding Rejuvenation In The Sea
Through history, the sea has captivated people's psyches. Like a loving parent, it grants its bounty of nourishment and healing. The father of medicine, Hippocrates, discovered the profound therapeutic effects that seawater had on the injured hands of fishermen. As the years passed, that discovery grew into thalassotherapy...(more)
Japanese Phrase of the Day
Inu ni esa o yaru.
Feed the dog.
Vocabulary / Expressions
inu = dog
esa= feed
yaru= to give
Notes: "O" is a particle which marks an object. "Ni" marks an indirect object.
Now, go feed the dog!
7 July 2004
A former co-worker of mine. Glad she was able to get out of the travel industry
What's the Buzz? It's a new coffeehouse
(by Lynn Shea, freelance writer.)
"As a travel agent, Beth Wendt frequently shared the great travel opportunities she found with her three sisters. Together they have been on many cruises, trips to Europe and lots of shorter jaunts to places like New York City and Las Vegas.(more)
(by Lynn Shea, freelance writer.)
"As a travel agent, Beth Wendt frequently shared the great travel opportunities she found with her three sisters. Together they have been on many cruises, trips to Europe and lots of shorter jaunts to places like New York City and Las Vegas.(more)
it's gonna be a long, lonely summer
(..i likes to cut 'til the bone pokes through...jim)
Cut more, fiscal oversight board tells PittsburghFiscal panel says $33 million in spending reductions not enough; wants $50 million total
By Timothy McNulty, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
-The city is budgeted to spend $390 million this year. The board's request for $50 million in cuts would be a nearly 13 percent drop in city spending.
-The city is budgeted to spend $390 million this year. The board's request for $50 million in cuts would be a nearly 13 percent drop in city spending.
-The board called for the $50 million spending cut yesterday while rejecting a five-year city spending plan Murphy filed June 15. That plan -- required to be balanced, under state law -- combined the lesser spending cuts in the Act 47 plan with a five-year, 49 percent increase in property taxes.
-The board said it rejected the plan to enable the city, the Act 47 recovery coordinators and the board to work together on a final city recovery plan.
-The board is set to deliver that final plan to the state by the end of next month. According to the board's lawyer, Glenn Mahone, Murphy now has 15 calendar days to submit another version of his spending plan. (more)
or the complete letter from the Oversite Board
Cut more, fiscal oversight board tells PittsburghFiscal panel says $33 million in spending reductions not enough; wants $50 million total
By Timothy McNulty, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
-The city is budgeted to spend $390 million this year. The board's request for $50 million in cuts would be a nearly 13 percent drop in city spending.
-The city is budgeted to spend $390 million this year. The board's request for $50 million in cuts would be a nearly 13 percent drop in city spending.
-The board called for the $50 million spending cut yesterday while rejecting a five-year city spending plan Murphy filed June 15. That plan -- required to be balanced, under state law -- combined the lesser spending cuts in the Act 47 plan with a five-year, 49 percent increase in property taxes.
-The board said it rejected the plan to enable the city, the Act 47 recovery coordinators and the board to work together on a final city recovery plan.
-The board is set to deliver that final plan to the state by the end of next month. According to the board's lawyer, Glenn Mahone, Murphy now has 15 calendar days to submit another version of his spending plan. (more)
or the complete letter from the Oversite Board
in my backyard
School marks not up to par
Westinghouse High is now on probation
By Eleanor Chute, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette education writer can be reached at: or 412-263-1955.)
(...perhaps more budget cuts are in order...? jim)
Westinghouse High is now on probation
By Eleanor Chute, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette education writer can be reached at: or 412-263-1955.)
"Westinghouse High School is on probation for "serious violation of multiple standards," according to the national organization that accredits high schools throughout the nation...some Westinghouse teachers weren't properly licensed, no curriculum could be found for math and English, staff members were confused about whether the school offered Advanced Placement courses and the guidance counselors weren't counseling students about careers and college..."(more)
(...perhaps more budget cuts are in order...? jim)
Recent stories by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Invisible Jihad
• Cosby Rips Into Black America Again
• A Whiter Shade of Harlem
They're building again in America's black mecca—but not necessarily with black labor — Will Harlem's building boom lead to a job boom? Ta-Nehisi Coates reports
• Doing It With R. Kelly
Stripping the sexiness right out of sex — On the eve of R. Kelly's kiddie porn trial, Ta-Nehisi Coates finds his lyrics to be so much child's play
• A Nation of Millions
Hip-Hop Convention seeks answer to what's holding young America back — Newark-based event will look at the schism between the hip-hop generation and their predecessors in the Civil Rights movement; Ta-Nehisi Coates reports
• Ebonics! Weird Names! $500 Shoes!
Shrill Bill Cosby and the speech that shocked black America — Ta-Nehisi Coates on Bill Cosby's harsh assessment of the black lower class
• An Ocean Apart
Haitian leader returns black love to sender — Ta-Nehisi Coates on Haitian prime minister Gerard Latortue
• Brown v. Board of Education was a good thing—wasn't it?
• She Held the Leash
G.I. Jane in the Torture Room — Ta-Nehisi Coates wonders, Was Iraqi torture a sex crime?
• Old Enough to Vote? Old Enough to Die.
Ready to serve? — Ta-Nehisi Coates talks to New Yorkers about the draft.
• A Fistful of Mighta Been
How the Miramax of Music Soundbombed — Ta-Nehisi Coates on the Miramax of Music
Invisible Jihad
• Cosby Rips Into Black America Again
• A Whiter Shade of Harlem
They're building again in America's black mecca—but not necessarily with black labor — Will Harlem's building boom lead to a job boom? Ta-Nehisi Coates reports
• Doing It With R. Kelly
Stripping the sexiness right out of sex — On the eve of R. Kelly's kiddie porn trial, Ta-Nehisi Coates finds his lyrics to be so much child's play
• A Nation of Millions
Hip-Hop Convention seeks answer to what's holding young America back — Newark-based event will look at the schism between the hip-hop generation and their predecessors in the Civil Rights movement; Ta-Nehisi Coates reports
• Ebonics! Weird Names! $500 Shoes!
Shrill Bill Cosby and the speech that shocked black America — Ta-Nehisi Coates on Bill Cosby's harsh assessment of the black lower class
• An Ocean Apart
Haitian leader returns black love to sender — Ta-Nehisi Coates on Haitian prime minister Gerard Latortue
• Brown v. Board of Education was a good thing—wasn't it?
• She Held the Leash
G.I. Jane in the Torture Room — Ta-Nehisi Coates wonders, Was Iraqi torture a sex crime?
• Old Enough to Vote? Old Enough to Die.
Ready to serve? — Ta-Nehisi Coates talks to New Yorkers about the draft.
• A Fistful of Mighta Been
How the Miramax of Music Soundbombed — Ta-Nehisi Coates on the Miramax of Music
Worst highway bottlenecks
(this is all well and good, but just come up with a cure for the "tunnel-crawl" syndrome that happens on either side of the Squirrel Hill Tubes..jim)
A study for the American Highway Users Alliance found these were the worst congestion sites in the United States, followed by the number of vehicles handled daily and annual hours of delay. (more)
A study for the American Highway Users Alliance found these were the worst congestion sites in the United States, followed by the number of vehicles handled daily and annual hours of delay. (more)
Los Angeles Ventura Freeway US-101 at I-405 interchange; 318,000 cars; 27,144,000 hours.
Houston I-610 at I-10 interchange; 295,000 cars; 25,181,000 hours.
Chicago I-90/94 at I-290 "Circle Interchange;" 293,671 cars; 25,068,000 hours.
Phoenix I-10 at SR-51/202 "Mini-Stack" interchange; 280,800 cars; 22,805,000 hours.
Los Angeles I-405 at I-10 interchange; 296,000 cars; 22,792,000 hours.
Atlanta I-75 at I-85 interchange; 259,128 cars; 21,045,000 hours.
Washington, D.C. I-495 at I-270 interchange; 243,425 cars; 19,429,000 hours.
Los Angeles I-10 at I-5 interchange; 318,500 cars; 18,606,000 hours.
Los Angeles I-405 at I-605 interchange; 318,000 cars; 18,606,000 hours.
Atlanta I-285 at I-85 "Spaghetti Junction" interchange; 266,000 cars; 17,072,000 hours.
Chicago I-94 at I-90 interchange; 260,403 cars; 16,713,000 hours.
Phoenix I-17 at I-10 "the Stack" interchange to Cactus Road; 208,000 cars; 16,310,000 hours.
Los Angeles I-5 at SR-22/57 "Orange Crush" interchange; 308,000 cars; 16,304,000 hours.
Providence, R.I.I-95 at I-195 interchange; 256,000 cars; 15,340,000 hours.
Washington, D.C.I-495 at I-95 interchange; 185,125 cars; 15,035,000 hours.
Tampa, Fla. I-275 at I-4 "Malfunction Junction" interchange; 201,500 cars; 14,371,000 hours.
Atlanta I-285 and I-75 interchange; 239,193 cars; 14,333,000 hours.
Seattle I-5 and I-90 interchange; 301,112 cars; 14,306,000 hours.
Chicago I-290 Eisenhower Expressway between exits 17b and 23a; 200,441 cars; 14,009,000 hours.
Houston I-45 Gulf Freeway at US-59 interchange; 250,299 cars; 13,944,000 hours.
San Jose, Calif. US-101 at I-880 interchange; 244,000 cars; 12,249,000 hours.
Las Vegas US-95 at I-15 "Spaghetti Bowl" interchange; 190,600 cars; 11,152,000 hours.
San Diego I-805 at I-15 interchange; 238,000 cars; 10,992,000 hours.
Cincinnati I-75 from Ohio River Bridge to I-71 interchange; 136,013 cars; 10,088,000 hours.
the Total Tool
sorry, just realized that all my links were self-referential(on the functional level). hope i corrected the errors before i offended too many people.(my big fat blog audience)jim
the devil is in the blog!
Wired News: America's War With Blogistan
(..this is an issue i've wrestled with regarding the blog that i work on. i want to represent my organization to the best of my abilities and represent my own point of view...jim)
(..this is an issue i've wrestled with regarding the blog that i work on. i want to represent my organization to the best of my abilities and represent my own point of view...jim)
"...After all, just because you link to a site, does it mean that you stand by its content? Does it imply an implicit endorsement? If that’s the case, then how can the Kerry campaign justify linking to other sites that post material that is arguably just as off-color as Moulitsas "literally speaking ill of the dead,"...(more)
6 July 2004
my world, and welcome to it
Bella M. DePaulo, AlterNet
The Black Commentator
univ of illinois radio
motley fool radio
Five Things You Gotta Know About Taxes
The Whole Story on Whole Foods Market
The Whole Foods Market is the largest organic and natural foods grocer in the country and the world. With 157 stores in 28 states, Canada, and Great Britain, Whole Foods has made healthy eating fashionable. Charles Fishman, who profiled the company for Fast Company Magazine, talks with NPR's Susan Stamberg. July 3, 2004
Laws Evolve to Cope with Posthumous Conception
(...don’t ask; don’t smell...)
'The Star-Spangled Banner' in Spanish
From Gerald Erichsen,
Your Guide to Spanish Language.
El himno nacional de los Estados Unidos
Versión por Francis Haffkine Snow
(Traducido por Francis Haffkine Snow, 1919)
Bella M. DePaulo, AlterNet
If Democrats want to inspire single women to vote in
November, they need to lose the cutesy marketing slogans
and talk about the issues.
The Black Commentator
The hip-hop generation, defined by the outside world as
a marketing demographic, seeks to redraw itself in its true colors.
Welcome to TinyApps.Org, a guide to very small software for your PC. Virtually all of the programs listed here are free of charge and for use under Windows.
univ of illinois radio
motley fool radio
Five Things You Gotta Know About Taxes
Commentator Roy Lewis has got it down to the brassiest of tacks -- five simple tips to keep you on top of your income tax return until they throw out the code for good.
The Whole Story on Whole Foods Market
The Whole Foods Market is the largest organic and natural foods grocer in the country and the world. With 157 stores in 28 states, Canada, and Great Britain, Whole Foods has made healthy eating fashionable. Charles Fishman, who profiled the company for Fast Company Magazine, talks with NPR's Susan Stamberg. July 3, 2004
Laws Evolve to Cope with Posthumous Conception
(...don’t ask; don’t smell...)
Laws change and adapt to keep pace with changes in science and technology. Elaine Korry reports on the brave new world of reproductive technology and the evolving laws that govern the entitlements and inheritance rights of children conceived from frozen sperm after the deaths of their fathers.
'The Star-Spangled Banner' in Spanish
From Gerald Erichsen,
Your Guide to Spanish Language.
Works of literature can be especially hard to translate well, as the majesty of the language and connotations of certain words can be lost. That is especially true of songs, where the rhythm and poetry of the original language can be lost as well. But that doesn't keep translators from trying. No fewer than four translators have been serious attempts to translate "The Star-Spangled Banner," although not all have tried to make the words singable.
How well did they do? Judge for yourself by selecting any of the next four pages.
El himno nacional de los Estados Unidos
Versión por Francis Haffkine Snow
Amanece: ¿no veis, a la luz de la aurora,
Lo que tanto aclamamos la noche al caer?
Sus estrellas, sus barras flotaban ayer
En el fiero combate en señal de victoria,
Fulgor de cohetes, de bombas estruendo,
Por la noche decían: "!Se va defendiendo!"
!Oh, decid! ¿Despliega aún su hermosura estrellada,
Sobre tierra de libres, la bandera sagrada?
En la costa lejana que apenas blanquea,
Donde yace nublada la hueste feroz
Sobre aquel precipicio que elévase atroz
¡Oh, decidme! ¿Qué es eso que en la brisa ondea?
Se oculta y flamea, en el alba luciendo,
Reflejada en la mar, donde va resplandeciendo
!Aún allí desplegó su hermosura estrellada,
Sobre tierra de libres, la bandera sagrada!
¡Oh así sea siempre, en lealtad defendamos
Nuestra tierra natal contra el torpe invasor!
A Dios quien nos dio paz, libertad y honor,
Nos mantuvo nación, con fervor bendigamos.
Nuestra causa es el bien, y por eso triunfamos.
Siempre fue nuestro lema "¡En Dios confiamos!"
!Y desplegará su hermosura estrellada,
Sobre tierra de libres, la bandera sagrada!
(Traducido por Francis Haffkine Snow, 1919)
5 July 2004
Let us fashion this world in our image
First the Tale, Then the Bill
"When it comes to California lawmaking, the political is increasingly personal. Many of the 2,500 or so bills legislators draft each year are inspired by the experiences of friends, relatives and constituents, by newspaper headlines and occasionally even by themselves.
"What good is having 423,000 constituents if you can't take advantage of what they know?" says Assemblyman Joe Simitian (D-Palo Alto), who has written five laws suggested by constituents through his annual "There Oughta Be a Law" contest.
In the current two-year legislative session, lawmakers have proposed penalizing anyone who has sex with a corpse; creating new legal protections for hate crime victims and their families; limiting the jail terms for law enforcement officials who accidentally shoot someone to death; and impounding cars to stop potentially dangerous drivers like the one who plowed into the Santa Monica Farmers' Market last year. All of those bills were prompted by events with limited, if any, hard evidence that widespread problems were imminent.
"Unfortunately, most legislation is a function of slogan and anecdote," said Atty. Gen. Bill Lockyer, a former Democratic state Senate president pro tem. "They start with their philosophy, and then there's an anecdote that tries to prove the point."
This type of lawmaking is hardly unique to California. But some political experts say changes in Sacramento's culture over the last decade or so have made it much more pervasive."
(but then there is 'Megan's Law'....jim)
"When it comes to California lawmaking, the political is increasingly personal. Many of the 2,500 or so bills legislators draft each year are inspired by the experiences of friends, relatives and constituents, by newspaper headlines and occasionally even by themselves.
"What good is having 423,000 constituents if you can't take advantage of what they know?" says Assemblyman Joe Simitian (D-Palo Alto), who has written five laws suggested by constituents through his annual "There Oughta Be a Law" contest.
In the current two-year legislative session, lawmakers have proposed penalizing anyone who has sex with a corpse; creating new legal protections for hate crime victims and their families; limiting the jail terms for law enforcement officials who accidentally shoot someone to death; and impounding cars to stop potentially dangerous drivers like the one who plowed into the Santa Monica Farmers' Market last year. All of those bills were prompted by events with limited, if any, hard evidence that widespread problems were imminent.
"Unfortunately, most legislation is a function of slogan and anecdote," said Atty. Gen. Bill Lockyer, a former Democratic state Senate president pro tem. "They start with their philosophy, and then there's an anecdote that tries to prove the point."
This type of lawmaking is hardly unique to California. But some political experts say changes in Sacramento's culture over the last decade or so have made it much more pervasive."
(but then there is 'Megan's Law'....jim)
Visigoths Rule! - 2
THE VISIGOTH RULES: Ancient Law. III. Concerning the Adultery of a Wife.
"If the wife of any one should commit adultery, and not be caught in the act, her husband may accuse her before a judge by the introduction of competent evidence. And if the adultery of the woman should be plainly manifest, both adulterer and adulteress, according to the provisions of a former law, shall be given up to the husband, to be disposed of in any way he may select." (more)
"When groups of women get together, especially if they're mothers and have been married for more than six or seven years, and especially if there's alcohol involved, the conversation is usually the same. They talk about the kids and work—how stressed they are, how busy and bone tired. They gripe about their husbands and, if they're being perfectly honest and the wine kicks in, they talk about the disappointments in their marriages. Not long ago, over lunch in Los Angeles, this conversation took a surprising turn, when Erin, who is in her early 40s and has been married for more than July 12 issue - When groups of women get together, especially if they're mothers and have been married for more than six or seven years, and especially if there's alcohol involved, the conversation is usually the same. They talk about the kids and work—how stressed they are, how busy and bone tired. They gripe about their husbands and, if they're being perfectly honest and the wine kicks in, they talk about the disappointments in their marriages. Not long ago, over lunch in Los Angeles, this conversation took a surprising turn, when Erin, who is in her early 40s and has been married for more than a decade, spilled it. She was seeing someone else."(more)
THE VISIGOTH RULES: Ancient Law. III. Concerning the Adultery of a Wife.
"If the wife of any one should commit adultery, and not be caught in the act, her husband may accuse her before a judge by the introduction of competent evidence. And if the adultery of the woman should be plainly manifest, both adulterer and adulteress, according to the provisions of a former law, shall be given up to the husband, to be disposed of in any way he may select." (more)
just read - daily om
DailyOM - Nurturing Mind Body & Spirit
Life Skills For At-risk Youth
Life Skills For At-risk Youth
"The often awkward and confusing transition out of childhood can leave a young adult feeling as isolated as a prison inmate. For some - those who act out, who don't have discipline or who succumb to other circumstances - that prison can become a reality. Incarcerated youth are commonly survivors of significant trauma in their home and community life." (more)
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- reference list
- i'm fixin' to launch me a public relations site. i...
- WIRED- Culture Club
- ..a site on which i will never be featured
- please kids, don't try this at home
- and now, for a little brand spanking.
- I'm smart enough, i'm good enough and dog'gon it; ...
- precision is a must
- actual classroom machine
- machine-task simulator
- follow the leader into the re-newed Terminal Bldgs.
- lecture room
- you should've been there!
- hands-on is the key
- machine lathe
- NEW CENTURY CAREERS - open house
- Open House at New Century Careers - Pittsburgh
- Pittsburgh Transportation Equity Project
- chicken of the sea?
- A former co-worker of mine. Glad she was able to g...
- it's gonna be a long, lonely summer
- in my backyard
- Check out CRaZy WOrLD
- big swifty
- Worst highway bottlenecks
- the Total Tool
- the devil is in the blog!
- "ready or not here we come; gettin' down for the f...
- my world, and welcome to it
- Let us fashion this world in our image
- "after the rush...when you come back down..."
- Visigoths Rule! - 2
- just read - daily om
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