community Service means Business!
27 August 2004
MSNBC - Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Scheduled For New Homewood School
PITTSBURGH - Pittsburgh Public Schools will celebrate the opening of the Homewood Elementary School Friday afternoon.
The ribbon cutting ceremony will take place between 4 and 6 p.m.
The new school on Tioga Street will serve up to 450 students in the Homewood-Brushton community. Each classroom will have access to a district-wide computer network.
The new building cost the district $20.4 million.
26 August 2004
YWCA hosts free Computer Basics Class!
Dear Friends and Colleagues:
As promised to most of you, I am sending along the upcoming Computer Learning Schedule for new classes at the YWCA of Greater Pittsburgh. In the attached schedule, you will find times, dates and fees for the newly opened Learning and Technology Center. Classes offered in that center include:
Computer Basics (9/13-10/4)...This workshop is Free!
MS Excel (9/7-9/28)...Fee is $50...$25 if unemployed, a senior or a YWCA Member.
MS Word (9/8-9/29)...Fee is $50...$25 if unemployed, a senior or a YWCA Member.
Internet Explorer (9/9-9/30)...Fee is $30...$15 if unemployed, a senior or YWCA Member.
All classes are four weeks in length and meet once per week for two hours. If you have clients or participants who are interested, have them call me directly at 412-255-1163.
With the Learning Schedule Classes, you will also find start dates for the Training, Inc. Program. Training, Inc. offers a great opportunity for participants to learn day to day job readiness skills along with the entire MS Office package.
The program is 16 weeks in length. Graduates receive a Certificate of Completion and are assisted with job placement. Paid Work Experiences are available for some participants. This is a great training opportunity for OVR clients, SPOC participants and any job seeker willing to commit to a 16 week training. Again, if you have clients who are interested, contact me at 412-255-1163 for details.
Thanks in advance,
Scott Albert
Senior Training Specialist
YWCA of Greater Pittsburgh
25 August 2004
the advocacy option
Learn more about our tools and resources, and take advantage of our content offerings.
Real Talk
i explained that our accreditation system requires pre-approval of new,deleted or modified curriculum. We can't just up and add to our list of classes.
during an interview it's difficult to remain on task and avoid straying into uncharted waters. i kept focused on the task of "responding to the question you wish you were asked.
I couldn't say whether my school would add courses...we've just started the Horticulture course and it's too soon to tell how that will fare and more to the point, we are about setting-up people to go to work, which is no mean feat at this time.
We need people to champion the case for stronger vocational training at the secondary level and we need to revisit the old-saw that every child is going to succeed in college.
Skills Education & Jobs Training
ARISE FoundationWe are a not-for-profit foundation established in 1986 that provides troubled and underserved youth with, easy-to-understand, interactive, statistically proven life-management lessons.
The John F. Kennedy, Jr. Institute for Worker Education *
Supports the higher education and career advancement of frontline workers in health, education, and human services organizations.
The Intermediary NetworkNational association of leading education and workforce development organizations working locally to ensure student success. Network members provide powerful and meaningful links between schools, communities and workplace partners. Members also serve as the convener of local collaborations of intermediaries in their own communities.
• Middle Class 2003: How Congress Voted, Drum Major Institute*
• Protecting Workers: Employee Free Choice Act, Moving Ideas*
• Shopping for Subsidies: How Wal-Mart Uses Taxpayer Money to Finance Its Never-Ending Growth (PDF), Good Jobs First*
• Job Watch: Tracking Jobs and Wages, Economic Policy Institute*
• Issues: The Economy, Center for American Progress
this is an endorsement!
i use Executive Software Undelete and it's saved my bacon three times in two years. (I just recovered all of the id-photographs i need for my schools' identification badge program!)
I don't care how careful you might believe yourself to be, there's going to come a time when your going to need to recover a file, letter, email, image or something that's been tossed out of your trash-bin. And when you do, remember Executive Software Undelete.
got gaslight?
Drive Your Enemies Crazy
"There are too many...[deleted]... in this world, but not enough ways for you to get even! If you retaliate, it could cost you your job or land you in jail, or worse. Learn the safe, effective way for you to get even - without putting yourself in any danger. Gaslighting (which means to drive someone crazy) is the most potent form of psychological warfare available."
Learn how to fight back and gain the upperhand. 116 pages.
Achieving Layoff Immunity
"In the past few years, many corporations have had the unfortunate situation of implementing layoffs, leaving hundreds of thousands of individuals out of work. When a company is experiencing layoffs, is determining who goes and remains just the luck of the draw? Not usually. Personnel decisions are made by humans, and humans almost always take subjective factors into account. How you perform at work and your attitude usually will have something to do with whether or not your name ends up on the “dispensable” list."(More...)
24 August 2004
By T. Eve Greenaway, AlterNet.
Posted August 20, 2004.
With a call to journey into a 'radical new future,' Adbusters magazine takes a step over the edge, leading readers blithely into a post-crash world.
If you work for social justice you know that most positive change happens slowly. It takes time to build movements and reconcile all the pieces. But – and Adbusters has proved this nicely – there is a big difference between making change and sitting around hoping change will happen. (More)
By Scott Thill,
AlterNet. Posted August 19, 2004.
Slam poet Saul Williams' reality is a lyrical one. But don't tell him he's keepin' it real.
"We demand a truth naturally at one with the land/Not a plant that photosynthesizes bombs on demand/Or a search for any weapons we let fall from our hands/I got beats and a plan/I'm gonna do what I can."– Saul Williams, "Act III, Scene 2" (More)
By Solana Pyne, Village Voice. Posted August 20, 2004.
Access to the American health care system is a luxury item for young adults.
If they're not outright poor as a class, young adults in this country are at least very, very broke. The average collegian graduates with more than $20,000 in debt, headed for a job market where real hourly wages have kept pace with neither inflation nor the cost of living. Young adults are broke in part because of their unprecedented schooling – in the latest census figures, 28 percent of those between 25 and 29 reported holding a bachelor's degree – which promised to pluck them away from the constellation of problems plaguing America's underclass, whether it was trouble with housing or inadequate medical care. (More)
hEALTH TIPS- United Way of Allegheny County
Do you suffer from morning headaches, a sore jaw, facial pain, an ongoing earache or teeth sensitivity? You may be one of the millions of Americans that grinds or clenches their teeth during sleep, a condition called bruxism. While some people report painful jaw problems like TMJ from bruxism, many people may not realize they grind or clench until a dentist notices unusual wear to their teeth. :: more
Are you getting enough iron?
· Tips for Tackling PMS
· Ten Tips to Lower Your Cholesterol
· Get Healthier with 5 Super Foods
couldn't resist this one!
18 August 2004 STORIESTranscripts of OnStar Service Conversations Not Selected for Commercials
You’ve heard the spots, where the helpful voice of the OnStar satellite representative rushes to the aid of the panicked motorist. But have you heard them all? John Warner digs through the transcripts that didn’t make the final cut.
one less textbook to purchase?
Welcome to, a free online medical dictionary with 26,000 medical terms.Begin browsing for a class of medical terms or a specific term by clicking on one of the main categories below:
Chemicals and Drugs
Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment
Psychiatry and Psychology
Biological Sciences
Physical Sciences
Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena
Technology and Food and Beverages
Information Science Persons
Health Care
Geographic Locations is designed as a free, browsable resource for all. The medical terms and definitions are not intended to replace medical informaion provided by licensed healthcare professionals. Please see a doctor if you need medical assistance. Don't see the medical term you were researching? Send us an e-mail from our "about us" page. We will do our best to research and classify new medical terms in a timely manner. Our current list of medical terms is over 26,000. Data sources include the U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2004 Medical Subject Headings.
in the curve
by Laura Gibbs
Those of us who are committed to computer-based course management systems need to have loftier goals than higher grades. we need to challenge ourselves as teachers to use these new tools to offer our students much more than that.
We need to offer them real learning opportunities different and better than the learning opportunities that they had before... learning opportunities that will give students the same sense of intrinsic satisfaction and self-motivated pleasure that they feel when using cell phones and video games and online chat which students clearly enjoy despite the jibber-jabber."
by Susan Smith Nash
"The human mind evolves by arranging perceptions by means of connections. Applied to learning this means that it is important to understand how the mind makes connections at different moments in time and to develop tasks and learning experiences that complement the connection patterns and preferences. Learning theory clearly explained and usefully applied to online learning."
23 August 2004
the local job market for counselors and social workers?
The Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board is happy to release the third
edition of â€Å“Understanding the Local Labor Market: Promising Career Pathways in
Pittsburgh and Allegheny County. The goal of this series is to get clear,
local information about in-demand occupations into the hands of people who work
with jobseekers.
This edition focuses on counselors and social workers: their
job conditions and wages, local supply and demand for workers, and training
options. Please check the publication out by clicking on the link below:
We welcome you to forward this message to others you know who may be interested.If you would like to be added to or removed from our list, or if you have any other questions or suggestions, please reply to this e-mail or contact Theodora Finn at, (412) 552-7096.
She can also send you hard copies in sets of 25 for $25. This publication is available in alternate formats upon request.
Ron Painter Executive Director Three Rivers Workforce Investment BoardRegional Enterprise Tower, Suite 1750 425 Sixth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15217
this just in from Shannon...Gregg
For you, or someone you know, it could be Back to Work
Here is a list of Gregg Services' current Hot Jobs!
Do you know someone who needs a job? Please have them apply at the community-based Gregg Services office nearest to them: Greensburg, Cranberry, Canonsburg, or Downtown Pittsburgh. We are continuously recruiting for all types of jobs, the ones listed below and various clerical, professional, light industrial, customer service, skilled trades, and other commercial positions.
Greensburg, 724-853-7710, 724-853-7720 fax,
Cranberry, 724-776-0400, 724-776-4477 fax,
Canonsburg, 724-873-0990, 724-873-0993fax,
Downtown Pittsburgh, 412-642-7422, 412-208-9011fax,
412-702-9000 x208, 412-702-9011fax,
Shannon J. Gregg, CPPGregg Services, Inc.412-702-9000
Visit Shannon's Violence Prevention site,
See what Shannon has been up to.
Gregg Services presents Rock the Vote 2004.
the YOUTH POLICY INSTITUTE - Student Presentations
no glaring tv crew lights or wailing sirens, just the confident and steady flow of the Youth Policy Institute students delivering a series of reports concerning diesel fuel emissions, vacant lot re-use, alternative transportation fuels and an all-important voter registration drive. this is what our children can do!
take T and C
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Red tea, though fermented, has almost no stimulating effects and possesses unique calming influence on the central nervous system, making it an ideal drink for people who suffer from tension and stress that cause insomnia. Drinking red tea is not only a reminder of the wisdom of our ancestors and of nature's wonders, but also a relaxing and healthy elixir that benefits your body as well as your mind.
For more information visit
be here-Now!

into the Gaping Void
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08/22 - 08/29
- MSNBC - Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Scheduled For New ...
- YWCA hosts free Computer Basics Class!
- the advocacy option
- Real Talk
- LeftWatch
- this is an endorsement!
- got gaslight?
- Achieving Layoff Immunity
- Apocalypse-Lite
- Streetwise Shakespeare By Scott Thill, AlterNet. P...
- Sick Without A Safety Net By Solana Pyne, Village...
- hEALTH TIPS- United Way of Allegheny County
- couldn't resist this one!
- one less textbook to purchase?
- in the curve
- the local job market for counselors and social wor...
- this just in from Shannon...Gregg
- the YOUTH POLICY INSTITUTE - Student Presentations
- YPI Presenters
- PTET-YPI Director
- YPI Lecturers
- YPI Guests
- YPI Student presenters
- YPI STAFF support the students.
- YPI Students address a variety of local concerns
- take T and C
- ► 08/15 - 08/22 (23)
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