community Service means Business!

18 October 2010

Seen On The Streets Of London

via Wooster Collective by Marc on 10/18/10


From Michael Aaron Williams:

"This series are all done on cardboard and depict the homeless. They are put up and are able to be taken down so that they can be taken home. They are therefore extremely delicate. Its interesting because just like the actual homeless, the people on the street ignore the pieces and many times see no worth in them. However, Some people have and are encouraged to take these home where the pieces can survive."

Posted via email from the Un-Official Southwestern PA Re-Entry Coalition Blog

The Double Food Pyramid

via GOOD by Peter Smith on 10/18/10


The newly formed Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition unveiled a new food pyramid last week, showing the environmental costs of the more familiar-looking food pyramid. No real surprise, then, that the inverted environmental food pyramid illustrates how the most environmentally-friendly foods also tend to be the healthiest.

Barilla, the research spin-off of the Italian food manufacturer, examined the Life Cycle Assessment of various foods and ranked their ecological footprint in an attempt to visualize a sustainable diet. The current design has the feel of a corporate slide show, but the concept—a graphic representation of food's environmental impact—is certainly worth exploring further, especially as the United States reconsiders the abysmal failure of its current design: MyPyramid.

Posted via email from the Un-Official Southwestern PA Re-Entry Coalition Blog


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