By Kathy Sweeney, NCRW, CPRW, CEIC, CCM - The Write Resume
November 18, 2009 at 12:03 pm
Nick, you know I love you, but I am going to disagree with you! :-)
A specific manager needs to determine whether the person has the skill set to perform the job, and the accomplishments to back it up, as well.
The “what you are going to do for him / her” can be written in different areas of the resume.
A candidate could have a separate “selected achievements” or “core expertise” section which include quantifiable results near the top, achievements under each position, or expertise combined with quantifiable achievements in the profile.
Each candidate is different and there should never be a broad-brush approach to writing resumes.
A great resume will be a fantastic representative of both skills that a client possesses and the results of those daily duties.
Employers want to know either one or both of these things – can you make them or save them money. Everything drills down to the bottom line.
If a candidate were approaching a specific manager and wanted to highlight certain areas of expertise, then I would recommend a leadership addenda, in addition to the resume. This document would focus, in greater detail, on key projects or programs that directly relate to the specific company needs.
I would also recommend a highly targeted cover letter to sell the employer on the contributions a job seeker can make to that specific company.
Or, in Karsten’s case, he could identify the company’s issue through research, and formulate a list of areas where he can contribute and results of previous projects related to the information he uncovers through his due diligence. This way, he is fully prepared to make phone calls and not forget or stumble over his talking points.
Posted via email from the Un-Official Southwestern PA Re-Entry Coalition Blog
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