via PostSecret by postsecret on 6/15/10

mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard.

-----Email Message-----I chose to wait until marriage. Now I'm 33, still single, and scared of sex.

of being bullied. it took a long time but those experiences made me
stronger and turned me into the person i am now: a social worker.
through helping others overcome the misery of their own social hells
i'm healing myself, too. i hope your victim has found some of the

And it worked.

-----Email Message-----Reading Atlas Shrugged gave me the strength to pull myself out of an eating disorder; it saved my life.

This secret from last week sparked a movement


-----Email Message-----Thank you for creating the "please don't jump" facebook group... I am overwhelmed at the response and truly, deeply hope the author of the postcard is as well. Things have been rough for me, and even though the kind words are meant for another suffering soul, I have drawn strength from following these voices too... I wish there were more examples of this kind of love, hope, and support in our world.

-----Email Message-----I read the Golden Gate Bridge postcard on PostSecret, visited the facebook page, and went to the bridge today [Sunday]. I have lived in San Francisco for 4 years and never once walked across the bridge. Today me and my roommate did for the first time because of this secret and I wanted to share with you my experience.We walked about 3/4 across the bridge reading ribbons and messages along the way then decided to head back. On our way back I noticed a backpack against the bridge and thinking this was odd kept staring...soon noticing a person on the other side of the bridge. Me and my roommate stopped and stared over at this man sitting on the ledge of the bridge. My roommate asked him if he was alright, which he replied "not really" but he stood up. She then asked him if he would come back on our side of the bridge. He climbed back over and we all just stood there awhile. He had a big scar down his neck and had also wet himself sometime sitting out on the ledge. I asked him his name and we introduced ourselves. My roommate asked him if she could call anyone for him and he replied no. He then put on his sweatshirt, grabbed his stuff, and walked away. We stood there watching him and the bridge police and security team pulled up and escorted this man into one of the cars. I have no idea what is going to happen with this man, where he went, if he will try to jump or some other method again. All I know is today was my first day on the bridge, and because of postsecret and the support of all these individuals, we wanted to be a part of that support and through that we were able to be there for someone.People do make a difference and even if the person who wrote the post secret has no idea of the effect that it has had, today it helped take someone off the Golden Gate Bridge.

PostSecret on Facebook

-----Email Message-----Frank,This past Friday night I found myself in a black hole of depression and I didn't know how I was going to make it through the night. Not knowing where to turn and feeling like I couldn't stop. I remembered seeing the Hopeline phone number in the front of your book. I talked with someone there for 2 and a half hours and I truly feel that they saved my life.Thank you for the book, thank Hopeline for being there, and thank the people that send in their postcards so that others know they are not alone with their secrets.-Casie (with permission)

Posted via email from the Un-Official Southwestern PA Re-Entry Coalition Blog
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