via PostSecret by postsecret on 7/4/10

mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard.

Sonia Warren now delivers our secrets. Welcome Sonia!

The following message arrived from a New Zealand postal worker and was originally published in the second PostSecret book.I just finished up seven years working at a mail center; and over that time I would come across PostSecret postcards, and take the time to read them. Some were funny, some touching, some heartbreaking. But every time I read them I knew I was in a privileged position-- not only because I was perhaps one of the first people to read these beautifully crafted cards, but also because I was being let into somebody's soul and sharing with them whatever emotion they invested into creating the card.I just want to let people out there know that even if your postcard doesn't show up on the website, there's a hardworking postal worker who is taking the time to read your secret, and who identifies with this brave, faceless, nameless sender.
Posted via email from the Un-Official Southwestern PA Re-Entry Coalition Blog
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